
#79 Multiple ENVs in one env editor window


I would like to be able to edit multiple envelopes in one env editor window.

I see two use cases for it:
1. Amp ENVs of multiple voices
2. Amp,Filter,Pitch... Envs of a single voice


  • Mark McCurry

    Mark McCurry - 2016-05-17

    I agree that this would be a very valuable feature in terms of transferring levels and syncing up times, but I'm having a difficult time visualizing both

    • how the user goes from seeing envelope A to seeing envelope B and A. (is there some copy/paste/ghost options? what sequence of clicks is expected? etc?)
    • how the user uses this combined view to transfer information from one envelope to the other (is there switching involved? is it just a strict overlay? is there snapping involved? etc?)
  • friedolino

    friedolino - 2016-05-17

    use case 1 could be accessible from the voice list. three buttons to access the multiple-voice-ENV for amp, freq and filter. Inside the env editor i think of a layer list like in gimp where a voice can be selected and checkboxes for making them visible and editable.

    use case 2 could be the standard for env editing inside a synth/voice. If you click the E- Button of an ENV the env editor opens with only this ENV visible. Same mechanism to make others visible / editable as in case 1.

    For copy-paste you select envelope A, copy, select envelope B, paste.
    Snapping should be optional for x and y axis.

  • friedolino

    friedolino - 2016-05-19

    My own use case is to recreate the measured envelopes of the harmoncs of recorded sounds. For example of an rhodes:

    While it is possible right now it would be much less clicking with the demanded feature.


    Last edit: friedolino 2016-05-19
  • Mark McCurry

    Mark McCurry - 2021-06-20
    • labels: envelope, GUI --> envelope, GUI, migration-candidate

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