
#78 Unified Voice Mixer / enhanced voice list


i would like to have one window, which contains a mixer for all addsynth voices, subsynth and padsynth.

The easiest way seems to me to (optionally) add the corresponding sub and pad synth controls to addsynth's voice list.


  • Mark McCurry

    Mark McCurry - 2016-05-12

    There's a few different ways to interpret this mainly due to the existance of kits, but I'd need some more information to know how such a large collection of controls could be grouped together.

    Looking at some of the mockups for the 3.0.0 UI ( ) it looks like if the voice list or the mixer view were to have too many more levels to control it would be very difficult to navigate. For a single instrument you'd end up with 16 kits x (8 voices 1 subsynth, 1 padsynth 1 adsynth global) for a total of 176 levels and unless I'm mistaken 176 panning values.
    Unless there's some organization through various panes I don't see how this is practical outside of a dedicated visualization representation which I'm skeptical about how useful it would be without a lot more design.

    Let me know if you had a particular organization in mind.

  • friedolino

    friedolino - 2016-05-16

    If there are different ways to interpret this, it seems to me, that the structure levels Voice-Instrument-Kit are not clear enough.

    From the About ZynAddSubFX Page at sourceforge:
    ->Instruments can be organized in kits.
    In this sense a Kit is an aggregation of instruments. In my opinion this structure should be reflected by the GUI. (In the current GUI the Kit Edit is a part of the Instrument Edit Window.)

    The mixer I have in mind controls the levels/pan of all hearable elements of an instrument. These are the 8+1+1+1 you mentioned. It it lives inside intrument edit. It should not interfere with the kit, because it is on a subordinate structural level.

    The kit edit should have a level/pan for each instrument.

  • Mark McCurry

    Mark McCurry - 2016-05-17

    The whole notion of a kit is somewhat confusing. I guess I should try to rewrite that section of the about page. Basically kit makes sense in the sense of a drum kit, but in general they are just used as different layers within a single instrument.

    Having a layer mixer seems to make sense. I'll keep this in mind once I'm coding this portion of the 3.0.0 UI.

  • Mark McCurry

    Mark McCurry - 2021-06-20
    • status: open --> closed
  • Mark McCurry

    Mark McCurry - 2021-06-20

    Closing due to lack of ongoing discussion. I don't think this idea has been brought up for a few years.


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