
Zoomable Visual Transformation Machine / News: Recent posts

New graph highlighting features in ZGRViewer

Enhancements to highlighting mode (contributed by Andreas Hügel):

  • Mouse wheel up/down on a node changes how many levels of neighbor nodes get highlighted. Hold SHIFT and/or CONTROL modifier keys to highlight incoming/outgoing/undirected edges only.

  • META modifier key + left click makes the current highlighting permanent (until the corresponding node gets META + left clicked again).

Thanks to Andreas for this very nice contribution.

Posted by Emmanuel Pietriga 2012-09-25

zvtm-svg 0.2.1 released

The SVG module of ZVTM is now released separately.

Available as a file release [1], through Maven [2], and SVN [3].


Posted by Emmanuel Pietriga 2012-03-09

zvtm 0.11.0 released

Zoomable Visual Transformation Machine v0.11.0 released.

List of changes since v0.10.2 available at [1].


For more information, visit

Posted by Emmanuel Pietriga 2012-03-09

zvtm-pdf 0.2.0 released

The PDF display module of ZVTM is now based on ICEpdf 4.0.

Available as a file release [1], through Maven [2], and SVN [3].


Posted by Emmanuel Pietriga 2010-05-21

zvtm-svg 0.1.1 released

The SVG module of ZVTM is now released separately.

Available as a file release [1], through Maven [2], and SVN [3].


Posted by Emmanuel Pietriga 2010-05-21

ZVTM 0.10.1 released

Zoomable Visual Transformation Machine v0.10.1 released.

List of changes since v0.10.0 available at [1].


For more information, visit

Posted by Emmanuel Pietriga 2010-05-21

ZVTM/ZGRViewer at JavaOne 2009

ZVTM, ZUIST and several applications including ZGRViewer will be demonstrated from June 1st to June 4th at JavaOne [1] in San Francisco. If you are attending the conference at the Moscone Center, you are more than welcome to drop by at Exhibition booth #628 (INRIA).



Posted by Emmanuel Pietriga 2009-05-19

ZGRViewer: 0.8.2 released

ZVTM is a Zoomable (2.5D) User Interface toolkit implemented in Java, designed to ease the task of creating complex visual editors in which large amounts of objects have to be displayed, or which contain complex geometrical shapes that need to be animate.

ZGRViewer is a 2.5D graph visualizer implemented in Java and based upon
the Zoomable Visual Transformation Machine. ZGRViewer can now be run
both as a standalone application or as an applet. More information about
the applet version is available at:

It is specifically aimed at displaying graphs expressed using the DOT
language from AT&T GraphViz and processed by programs such as dot or neato.

ZGRViewer is designed to handle large graphs, and offers a zoomable user
interface (ZUI), as well as various focus+context navigation techniques,
which enable smooth zooming and easy navigation in the visualized structure.

More info at:

Changes since v0.8.1:

Video demonstrations of the new navigation techniques:

To download:

Posted by Emmanuel Pietriga 2009-04-08

Zoomable Visual Transformation Machine v0.9.8 released

oomable Visual Transformation Machine v0.9.8 released.

List of changes since v0.9.7 available at [1].


For more information, visit

Posted by Emmanuel Pietriga 2009-04-07

Two research papers involving ZVTM presented at CHI 2009

  • O. Chapuis, J.-B. Labrune, E. Pietriga, DynaSpot: Speed-Dependent Area Cursor, CHI '09: Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human Factors in computing systems, 10 pages, April 2009, Boston, USA
  • T. Moscovich, F. Chevalier, N. Henry, E. Pietriga, J.-D. Fekete, Topology-Aware Navigation in Large Networks, CHI '09: Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human Factors in computing systems, 10 pages, April 2009, Boston, USA
  • The conference takes place in April in Boston, USA. The papers will be presented during sessions on Pointing and Cursor Techniques and Understanding Graphs.
Posted by Emmanuel Pietriga 2009-03-19

Zoomable Visual Transformation Machine v0.9.7 released

Zoomable Visual Transformation Machine v0.9.7 released.

List of changes since v0.9.6 available at [1].


For more information, visit

Posted by Emmanuel Pietriga 2008-11-03

Zoomable Visual Transformation Machine v0.9.6 released

Zoomable Visual Transformation Machine v0.9.6 released.

List of changes since v0.9.5a available at [1].


For more information, visit

Posted by Emmanuel Pietriga 2008-06-17

ZGRViewer 0.8.1 and Java 1.4

ZGRViewer v0.8.1 was released with a version of ZVTM compiled for Java
1.5 and above. If you plan to use ZGRViewer with Java 1.4, a version
of ZVTM compatible with Java 1.4 virtual machines is available [1].
Simply replace this file in ZGRViewer's target directory.


Posted by Emmanuel Pietriga 2008-06-17

ZGRViewer 0.8.1 released

ZGRViewer is a 2.5D graph visualizer implemented in Java and based upon
the Zoomable Visual Transformation Machine. ZGRViewer can now be run
both as a standalone application or as an applet. More information about
the applet version is available at:

It is specifically aimed at displaying graphs expressed using the DOT
language from AT&T GraphViz and processed by programs such as dot or neato.... read more

Posted by Emmanuel Pietriga 2008-05-20

Research paper on Sigma Lenses to be presented at CHI 2008

The paper is available from the ACM Digital Library [1] and from HAL-INRIA [2]


Posted by Emmanuel Pietriga 2008-04-11

ZGRViewer 0.8.0 released

ZGRViewer is a 2.5D graph visualizer implemented in Java and based upon
the Zoomable Visual Transformation Machine. ZGRViewer can be run
both as a standalone application or as an applet. More information about
the applet version is available at:

It is specifically aimed at displaying graphs expressed using the DOT
language from AT&T GraphViz and processed by programs such as dot or neato.... read more

Posted by Emmanuel Pietriga 2007-11-30

Reorganization of the SVN repository

Following the recent discussion on this list [1], the SVN repository
[2] has been completely reorganized to provide a clearer separation
between ZVTM and the various applications based on it and hosted in
the same repository.

Instructions for getting ZVTM's source code [3] and ZGRViewer's
source code [4] have been updated.


Posted by Emmanuel Pietriga 2007-10-19

ZVTM demonstrated at ACM UIST 2007

ZUIST, an application based on ZVTM that lets you navigate in 20 years of papers published at the ACM UIST conference [1], will be one of the 20th Anniversary Interactive Visualization tools demonstrated on Monday, October 8th [2]. A sample video can be downloaded [3].

[3] (QuickTime H.264)

Posted by Emmanuel Pietriga 2007-10-07

Zoomable Visual Transformation Machine v 0.9.5 released

The ZVTM is a Zoomable User Interface (ZUI) toolkit implemented in Java (above Java2D), designed to ease the task of creating complex interactive structured graphics editors in which large amounts of objects have to be displayed, or which contain complex geometrical shapes that need to be animated. It is based on the metaphor of universes that can be observed through smart movable/zoomable cameras, and offers features such as perceptual continuity in object animations and camera movements, which should make the end-user's overall experience more pleasing. ... read more

Posted by Emmanuel Pietriga 2007-07-09

ZGRViewer 0.7.2 released

ZGRViewer is a 2.5D graph visualizer implemented in Java and based upon the Zoomable Visual Transformation Machine. ZGRViewer can now be run both as a standalone application or as an applet. More information about the applet version is available at:

It is specifically aimed at displaying graphs expressed using the DOT language from AT&T GraphViz and processed by programs such as dot or neato.... read more

Posted by Emmanuel Pietriga 2007-03-15

ZGRViewer 0.7.1 released

ZGRViewer is a 2.5D graph visualizer implemented in Java and based upon the Zoomable Visual Transformation Machine. It can now be run both as a standalone application or as an applet. More information about the applet version is available at:

ZGRViewer is specifically aimed at displaying graphs expressed using the DOT language from AT&T GraphViz and processed by programs such as dot or neato.

ZGRViewer is designed to handle large graphs, and offers a zoomable user interface (ZUI), as well as various focus+context navigation techniques, which enable smooth zooming and easy navigation in the visualized structure.

More info at:

Video demonstrations of the new navigation techniques:

To download:

Posted by Emmanuel Pietriga 2006-12-14

ZGRViewer 0.7.0 released (with applet version)

ZGRViewer is a 2.5D graph visualizer implemented in Java and based upon the Zoomable Visual Transformation Machine. It can now be run both as a standalone application or as an applet. More information about the applet version is available at:

ZGRViewer is specifically aimed at displaying graphs expressed using the DOT language from AT&T GraphViz and processed by programs such as dot or neato.

ZGRViewer is designed to handle large graphs, and offers a zoomable user interface (ZUI), as well as various focus+context navigation techniques, which enable smooth zooming and easy navigation in the visualized structure.

More info at:

Video demonstrations of the new navigation techniques:

To download:

Posted by Emmanuel Pietriga 2006-12-07

ZGRViewer 0.6.0 released

ZGRViewer is a 2.5D graph visualizer implemented in Java and based upon the Zoomable Visual Transformation Machine.

It is specifically aimed at displaying graphs expressed using the DOT language from AT&T GraphViz and processed by programs dot or neato.

ZGRViewer is designed to handle large graphs, and offers a zoomable user interface (ZUI), as well as various focus+context navigation techniques, which enable smooth zooming and easy navigation in the visualized structure.... read more

Posted by Emmanuel Pietriga 2006-10-13

Bi-manual Interaction Plugin for ZGRViewer v0.1.1

Most graphical user interfaces are based on the idea that the user interacts with the computer through a keyboard and a single pointing device (mouse, trackball, touchpad, etc). There are however cases where the use of two (or more) pointing devices can be appropriate, as demonstrated by evaluations and systems that feature bi-manual interaction. This plugin makes it possible to control the observation camera's altitude (i.e. the zoom factor) through a second pointing device, such as a trackball, operated by the user's non-dominant hand. It is based on the MPD add-on for ZVTM, which enables programmers to support multiple pointing devices in their ZVTM-based applications. This feature is distributed as a plug-in because its use implies several constraining requirements.

More info at:

To download:

Posted by Emmanuel Pietriga 2006-08-17