
switch back to offline mode

stoney li
  • stoney li

    stoney li - 2016-04-05

    I installed chumby offline firmware on my chumby one for a long time. But recently it had some wifi issue, when I was playing on the web interface, I probably mis-clicked and switched it to music infrastructure or something like that. My chumby one is showing the chumby interface not the offline interface. Is there a way to re-enable the offline mode without re-installing the offline firmware and erasing all the configuration I have on the chumby one? Is there some kind of script to put on the USB drive to make this happen?


  • stoney li

    stoney li - 2016-04-09

    The internal SD card lost almost half the content and the offline partition is gone. I opened the infocast 3.5 and put a 16GB SD card with 1.0.7 image and then reinstalled the offline firmware. Infocast 3.5 operates normally again.


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