
How should you use ZuneIEPlugin?

  • keertiss

    keertiss - 2006-12-27

    This is the first version of ZuneMyTube that allows an end-user to download and save youtube and googlevideo videos in a WMV format. It installs an Internet Explorer plugin that adds the "Zune icon" to Internet Explorer's toolbar (top right). For some users, if the toolbar is "locked", it will appear in the drop down menu at the top right portion of the toolbar. When you watch a video on YouTube or GoogleVideo, just click on the Zune icon. It will download the video to "My Documents\My Videos\Youtube" and "My Documents\My Videos\GoogleVideo" directory and transcode it to the .WMV format. This file can be played back by Windows Media Player, Zune player. If you select the My Videos and its subdirectories for synch'ing to your Zune or PlayForSure video player, it will be available to you on the portable player. Please let me know if there are any issues you encounter...

    • StevenV1217

      StevenV1217 - 2007-01-07

      I have had a couple problems. One is I have gotten many messages saying "The source was not found, but some or all event logs could not be searched. Inaccessible logs: Secrurity." And then it tells me that the download has failed. Another is one time while on Google it gave me a message saying I needed to be on YouTube or Google. The first problem is the one I want a solution to more.

    • keertiss

      keertiss - 2007-01-07

      Which operating system are you using? Which version of Internet Explorer?

    • StevenV1217

      StevenV1217 - 2007-01-08

      I am using Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 and Internet Explorer 7.0.5730.11

    • keertiss

      keertiss - 2007-01-09

      The problem here could be the ffdshow plug-ins for flv decoding. Can you pls try getting the latest ffdshow plugins from ffdshow tryouts on sourceforge; quit Internet explorer, restart it and see if this is reproducible? Pls let me know if that works.

    • StevenV1217

      StevenV1217 - 2007-01-09

      Just so i dont get the wrong plugin and do something i shouldnt, would you mind giving me the url for the plugin(s)you want me to try? Also, i have resently discovered that zunemytube works for the Administrator profile on my laptop. I use a limited account regularly such as i am now. The Administrator profile doesnt receive the error. (I assume you are assisting with the first problem i had quoted. If not tell me. The other i came across only once.)

    • keertiss

      keertiss - 2007-01-10

      That is great help. Yes, I was referring to the first one. OK - this is the problem with my code then. I will run with lower privileges to see if I can repro it. You don't need to try out any plug-ins. You have already provided me with some ideas. Thanks a lot!

    • StevenV1217

      StevenV1217 - 2007-01-10

      When you make changes please post again saying you have and how the changes should be downloaded. Take your time. This is an excellent plugin.

    • Ben

      Ben - 2007-04-07

      Hi. I was wondering if yocould help me with a problem i am having. I can't get my youtube google video downloader to work whenever i try to download movies an error apperes that say's "unabble to connect to the remote server at downloadvideo.downloadvideo.thredproc()" i was just wondering what i should do.

    • elm.

      elm. - 2007-04-10

      hey, thanks for doing this. my trouble is that i installed the ZuneIEPlugin and... nothing. there is no Zune icon anywhere to be found, neither apparent nor hidden in a dropdown. where'd she go?

    • elm.

      elm. - 2007-04-10

      clarification from elm: i can see in the add-ons list that it's there (both the helper object & extension) and they are both enabled, but that's it. i've got the .NET framework 2.0 as well. i'm running XP home, SP2 with IE 6.0.2900.2180.

    • elm.

      elm. - 2007-04-13

      okay, super easy fix. i updated to IE 7.


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