
Welcome to Open Discussion

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Welcome to Open Discussion

    • Brian_Heise

      Brian_Heise - 2007-06-11

      Hey, I think this is the one of the better utilities to use with the Zune.  I use it frequently as it helps me pass the time during my downtime to stay amused (I'm stationed in Baghdad with the Army).  I'm wondering however, if it would be a massive feat to add in the ability to open multiple download connections in order to speed up the download.  Being on a shared bandwidth connection here we rarely achieve 3 kb/sec download speeds.  I use a download manager for most of my bigger downloads as I can boost the 3kb/sec up to about 200kb/sec at times.  I just think it would be an invaluable addition if indeed something like this were to be added. Of course, I have no idea about coding and the massive feat this might involve.  Anyways, a great program, and thanks for taking the time to develop it!

    • keertiss

      keertiss - 2007-06-12

      Are you sure about you being stationed with the troops in Iraq? If so, I have to do it for you - since you are doing one of the toughest good jobs out there, IMHO.

    • Brian_Heise

      Brian_Heise - 2007-06-13

      I'm sending you an email in order to keep this topic on the right path...


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