
#63 Sysex effects/command editor..


Dunno if this is something you want in ZT..
But! Sysex commands would be very cool..
May-b some sort of editor screen?
You put in the sysex commands and with another command
in the editor you can change some data for the sysex

dunno how people use Sysex commands but there are a
LOT of things you can do with it.. Also sending
special commands for a specific keyboard/synth...

One lil problem thingy, for as I understand sysex shit
generates a lot of data, especially when you to do
something like resonance sliding all the way...

Hmm.. May-b this idea can be something useful to the
instrument editor thing.. Dunno..
At least I know more than 80% in my manual of the midi
data format is in sysex commands.. or at least in
adresses like "02 01 2A - size 6".. something like

when I finally get the hang of those things (becuase I
cant do shit with it now :) I will be able to set DSP
effects and thousands of things for an instrument. :)

Unless someone else knows a better way to do those
things. :) (HELP! :)


  • isotopX

    isotopX - 2002-03-07

    Logged In: YES

    I agree, sysex strings are useful, but like you said, they
    generate a lot of data to be passes through midi interface.

    However, with most of the modern instrument there really
    isn't any reason to use realtime sysex command because most
    of the command needed are already implemented through
    controllers. This also includes the effects settings to
    which you referred. I'd say sysex is mostly used for data
    dumps nowadays...

    Much more interesting feature would be able to program your
    own macros in the instrument setup screen. Like for
    example, I could program a somewhat complex macro
    consisting of three or four controller changes and then
    trigger it with a specific command in the pattern. Of
    course ZT would take care of the timing too (so that the
    command do not occur exactly simultaneously).

    Maybe this already is in the works though, I remember there
    was some talk about this earlier...

    Best regards,

  • Raptor

    Raptor - 2002-03-08

    Logged In: YES

    Well.. the HUGE advantage with SysEx commands is you change
    and send so called "system exclusive" data..
    And that depends per keyboard. I know yamaha have those
    nasty DSP things.. distortion, phaser etc. The only way I
    know to change those damn things is via SysEx commands.
    I also know a few other composers who use SysEx commands
    all the time.
    And it only generates that much data you put in. :)
    Damned Yamaha.. I have 30 pages full of SysEx, I can even blow up the damned thing as long
    as I know the SysEx command. :)

    But as you say, those macro things would be very nice.. A
    SysEx editor would complete and fit ZT very well.. May-b
    something in the pattern editor you can set some SysEx
    commands per row.. And may-b also in the instrument editor,
    so you can setup some custom effects per instrument to
    start with.
    Almost every sequencer out there have something to change
    and set SysEx commands.. I assume using controllers also
    generate some data, so SysEx or controllers.. who gives a
    damn. :)
    But may-b I'm some sort of a "heavy user" who wants to
    control everything via ZT.. I hate setting up my keyboard
    all the time, becuase when I shut it down all my settings
    are gone.. With the use of controllers and SysEx I can
    control the damned thing the way I like to, and ZT saves my
    data and sets up my keyboard when I load the song (yamaha
    still think they can do me a favour and set all my
    instruments up the way they like them :)..

    Same as I do now in Cubase with (to keep it on-topic) SysEx
    commands. :) Soon I will buy myself a new synth, but I
    guess thats all with SysEx commands too when I really want
    to alter instruments and stuff.. I hear a lot of people
    talking about the damned SysEx.. Its also impossible to
    learn them out of your head..

    But to conclude this, I'm no math wizzard, but changing
    controllers multiple times or give one SysEx command.. what
    generates more data? In my situation I will have to give
    about 5 to 6 controller changes to do something I can also
    do with one sysex command..
    Brrr.. too much data in my head.. I'm going crazy with all
    those codes. :) lolz.. I'm going insane. :)


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