
#62 ZT Update Checker..


Is it possible to make an update checker for ZT?
That will be ZT2 now.. may-b this was already the plan.

My idea would be to make a seperate program you can
run to see if there are any updates..
Nice thing would be you can say in the config if you
want it to check everytime you start ZT..

Dont know how dificult it would be.. Cant be too
difficult though, it only needs to check a number
somewhere online..

This becuase I can imagine not all the people check
sourceforge a lot or check the homepage everyday..

Although I check SF and the homepage almost
everyday. :)

Also I noticed that on some sites where they put ZT
for download they dont always have the newest version.
When you have a update checker that isnt much of a
problem anymore, becuase when people download an older
version of the program they know right away there is a
new one. (btw, when I see a site with an older version
of ZT I always send an e-mail to say there is a new

Hmm.. a lot of talking for a simple request.. just a
flash trough my mind though. :)


  • isotopX

    isotopX - 2002-03-07

    Logged In: YES

    Well maybe if it would be easy to implement, but you have
    to remember that someone also has to host the service...

    Anyone who loves ZT and want to use it will surely keep
    checking for new versions even without an auto-update
    feature :)

  • Raptor

    Raptor - 2002-03-08

    Logged In: YES

    Well.. If you asked me to code it, I'd say: Dont make this
    too difficult. :)

    Sourceforge will host.. a 3 byte txt file with a 3 digit
    number in it.. going from 000 to 999..
    Should give you enough versions .:)
    Okay.. four digit is okay too.. only than the file would be
    4 bytes big. :)

    Program: UI like the ZT config, have a txt file with a
    number, program reads in the number, connects to i-net,
    reads in the number onlinem if the number is less or equal,
    no update needed, if the number is bigger the program says
    you have to update and kicks you to the ZT page to download
    the new one..
    Or it starts downloading right away.. I think people should
    do this themselves.

    Not really a fancy way to do it, but at least it works,
    giving it a nice UI and people think it rocks. :)
    And not everybody will check the ZT pages a lot.. I mean,
    there -are- normal people using this program .:) <grinz>

    Damned.. even I can program this in pascal (yeck!)..
    sorry.. only language I know (from old BBS times when I
    coded my own RA programs. :\

  • Chris Micali

    Chris Micali - 2002-04-05

    Logged In: YES

    I've coded this and added it to zt2... hopefully we can
    retrofit this into zt in the next week and release it..
    its kinda cool ;) it runs as a separate thread, so when
    zt starts it runs normally, but in the background it
    connects to the SF site and downloads an XML file that has
    the latest versions of zt and zt2, then it find the
    version it wants, checks it against itself, and lets you
    know what you need to know. and of course, this can be
    turned off.


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