
#60 Instrument solo option


I've heard a lot of talk about MIDI musicians (like
myself) who like to record each instrument into a
seperate .wav or tape-track and then mix the song down
in post-production.

ZT makes this difficult because you have to go through
and turn off every instrument except for the one you
want to solo.

A "solo" option on the instrument screen that would
only send data to the instrument selected would be

It would also be cool if you could have multiple
instruments soloed - i.e., you want to have all of
your hi-hats and various percussion noises on one
take, so you solo those instruments and play the song.

- Justin


  • Raptor

    Raptor - 2002-02-20

    Logged In: YES

    Its already in ZT.. well.. kinda..

    Just dont give the intruments an output device when you
    dont wanna hear them.
    And the instruments you DO want to hear, you let them have
    the output device..

    This is in the intrument edit screen (F3).
    I thought you can select using alt-1 <-> 0..

    Without an output device for a instrument you're not gonna
    hear any sound. :)
    And with the alt-1 etc shortcut its fast too! :)
    Output device will be your Midi UART or something..

    I do this all the time like this.. This way you dont have
    to change your patch/bank settings all the time..

    In my opinion a "solo" button or something, wont really add
    much.. except its easier for new ZT users perhaps.

    And you also want the option for multiple instruments to
    play... So I think giving a instrument an output device yes
    or no is just as easy in that case.. There is no more work
    in that than "solo-ing" all your solo instruments.. get my

    Oh.. I just noticed this in ZT:
    When you select a output device with alt-<number> (eg: alt-
    1) it selects the output device, but when pressing alt-1
    again doesnt de-select it!

    So I'd like to see alt-<number> selects and de-selects a
    output device.. instead of just selecting.. :D
    Would be a better option than the solo button. :)
    (if you dont understand a word of what I just said, becuase
    it aint that clear now I read it again, just send me an e-
    mail :

  • Justin Coope

    Justin Coope - 2002-02-20

    Logged In: YES

    Yeah, I know how to do that, but are you telling me it's
    just as simple to turn off the output device for the 25+
    instruments and samples I have in a song and leave ONE on,
    or easier to simply click "solo" on one instrument?

    See my point?

    - Justin

  • Raptor

    Raptor - 2002-02-20

    Logged In: YES

    Well.. you have a point there..
    What I meant was:

    Its not a MUST have, becuase when you want multiple
    recordings for multiple instruments.. And may-b more than
    one instrument per recording, you only need to turn off all
    the output devices once, becuase after that you change from
    one to another.

    In this case I'd rather see an option/key-command to clear
    all of the output devices at once.
    When all are cleared you have more flexibility when you
    start setting the output devices for the instruments you
    want to hear.

    Because you want a "solo" option, but you also want the
    ability to play more than one instrument at the time.
    I see a problem here.. solo means -one- instrument.. So
    when you make a solo button but you still want to have -two-
    instruments playing there should also be a "mute" button.
    Just like cakewalk or something.. You press solo -> the
    rest of instruments go on "mute". When you want another
    instrument playing along with your just "solo-ed"
    instrument just un-check the mute button of that instrument.

    In the situation I described above the "work" that has to
    be done is just as much as when you have a command to de-
    select all output channels and just set the output channels
    for instruments you wanna hear.

    A "solo" and "mute" button on the other hand would be handy
    for new ZT users and it is somewhat more obvious than
    setting the output devices.. So in that case I totally
    agree with you, but that would only make it look more
    easily. The effect and efforts to get it done will be the
    same when you have a "unselect all output devices"
    command :) (I'd say alt-0 becuase I cant imgagine anyone
    who uses 10 output devices in one song. :)

    Well.. just my opinion about this.. hope you dont mind. :)

  • Raptor

    Raptor - 2002-02-20

    Logged In: YES

    :: typo! ::

    ""In the situation I described above the "work" that
    has to
    be done is just as much as when you have a command to de-
    select all output channels and just set the output channels
    for instruments you wanna hear.""

    Damned.. I'm tired. :) sorry.. channels need to be output
    devices.. (ofcourse.. duh! :)
    Where's that "edit" button on sourceforge! argh .:)


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