
ZogSolver/Constraint Programming Solver / News: Recent posts

ZogSolver - April 2008

- Performance Improvements
- Bug Fixes
- New Features (new constraints, new expressions, ...)

Posted by lsaintigny 2008-03-07

ZogSolver - Mar2008

- Disjunctive constraints are now supported.

- If Then Constraint added (not very efficient)

- Bug fixes

- Additional samples

Posted by lsaintigny 2008-02-23

ZogSolver - Release Apr07

- Bug Fixes
- Computation Times Reduced

Posted by lsaintigny 2007-03-30

ZogSolver - Release Mar07

Bug Fixes + Introduction of Set Domains

Posted by lsaintigny 2007-03-01

First release available

A first release of zogsolver is available now.
It covers integer and real domains.
Few samples are provided.

The support of real domains is very limited at this stage. The feature set will be extended in the next releases.

Posted by lsaintigny 2007-02-20