
#65 wrong paths


Hi, I've installed the latest version zocalo-src-2011.2.tar.gz on my Linux box but I'm having trouble with displaying Welcome.jsp correctly.

After starting the scripts (startDB and I can only access the welcome screen through:

And no images are displayed (although I can login).

When trying: http://localhost:30000/webpages/Welcome.jsp this is what I get:



Powered by Jetty://

The webpages folder only contains a folder named charts

Any idea what the problem is?


  • Chris Hibbert

    Chris Hibbert - 2012-04-07

    it's not a problem that the webpages directory has no files. Welcome.jsp is dynamically generated.

    When you say that you login, what does the page look like? If you're talking to the Zocalo server, you should have a page with a zocalo logo, titled "Please enter your user name and password", and the prompt on the page should say "Please login to access the zocalo service:". If that's not what you see, you're probably logging in to Apache or something, though the port number (30000) should prevent that.

    startDB returns control once it has started the DB, but should continue to run, producing logging output while the server is up. Can you send me the output? Or attach the most recent logs/ZocaloServer-*.log file.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-04-08

    Hi Chris, thanks for the quick response! this is weird. I created a simbolic link inside webpages:
    ln -s ../web/images images

    And it worked! After looking at your response I erased the symlink and I see no images again. I can log in, and find a market I created earlier, but no images.

    I also ran an experiment, still no images. And, when pointing my browser to: http://localhost:30000/Experimenter.jsp there's a message in the left side saying:
    HTTP ERROR: 404



    I attached the PM and exp logs.


  • Chris Hibbert

    Chris Hibbert - 2012-04-08

    Sorry for not spotting this earlier. You installed the source version of the server, which is intended for developing the software, rather than deploying. You can use that to build either of the deployable versions, or you can just download the version you're interested in.

    The thing that tipped me off was that you mentioned both Welcome.jsp (which is from the long-running markets configuration) and Experimenter.jsp (part of the lab experiment framework.) Your first step is to decide whether you're running closed-end scripted lab experiments, or open-ended markets. Install one of the two configurations (There's an INSTALL file in each), then follow the configuration directions (CONFIGURATION).

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-04-08

    I installed the source version deliberately. I intend to use it for class projects when I get the hang of it.

    For sake of argument, say I want to run a open-ended market (although I'm interested in both types --btw, lovely job on this effort). What I did was the following:
    - navigate to the build folder and run ant
    - cd ../; bin/DB/startDB; bin/DB/./
    - point a browser to: http://localhost:30000/Welcome.jsp
    there I can login, create an account and all, but no images show up.

    Same thing happens when trying to run a closed-end experiment:
    - kill any existing zocalo process, is such exist
    - bin/exp/
    - point a browser to: http://localhost:30000/Experimenter.jsp
    same, no images, plus a 404 NOT-FOUND error on the file /stripChart/stripchartframe.html on the left side of the page.

    Did I miss something?

  • Chris Hibbert

    Chris Hibbert - 2012-04-08

    There's nothing wrong with using the source version for development, but it's not set up for deployment. Since it's designed to support two configurations, you have to install one of the deployable versions. The ant targets pm-tar, pm-zip, exp-tar, and exp-zip build zip and tar versions. You then extract from the tar or zip file into a directory configured for running. (on windows, you'd use an installer instead.) If you're going to play with both configurations, you should make separate install directories so they can each maintain state as you use them.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-04-09

    Understood, this was the missing piece of the puzzle for me.

    Thanks for all your help.


    Last edit: Anonymous 2015-06-27

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