
#56 Servlet not found exception

Fasika A

Hi all,

I have been using zocalo for research purposes. I have been trying to run zocalo from Intellij idea but encountered a problem on the way. I have set up the experiment server configuration and tried to run the configuration. After the jetty server is started, i have come up with servlet not found exception:


javax.servlet.UnavailableException: org.apache.jsp.ExperimenterSubFrame_jsp

javax.servlet.UnavailableException: org.apache.jsp.Experimenter_jsp


The same exception occurs for the other jsp defined in the addservlets()...( like login, trade, judge...)

I would be grateful if someone could shed a light on the problem.

Best regards,



  • Chris Hibbert

    Chris Hibbert - 2010-05-25

    You probably need to tell IntelliJ about another Jar file. The ones you initially setup are sufficient to compile everything else, but jsp.jar doesn't appear until you build the project (with "ant tar" in the build directory).

    Once you've run ant, jsp.jar, zocalo.jar, hibernate.jar, and hibernateTest.jar appear in the jars directory, and must be added to the libraries.

  • Chris Hibbert

    Chris Hibbert - 2010-05-25
    • labels: --> Installation
    • milestone: --> Experiment
    • assigned_to: nobody --> hibbert

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