
ZK - Simply Ajax and Mobile / News: Recent posts

ZK 7.0.2 Released!

ZK 7.0.2 has been released with binding improvements along with the addition to the Polish language!


Posted by Tim 2014-05-29

ZK Charts 1.0 Officially Released!

ZK Charts 1.0 officially OUT NOW! Enhance your application to another level with new charting options!


Posted by Southern Crossie 2014-04-22

ZK Charts 1.0 Beta Released!

ZK Charts brings charting options to a whole new level! 1.0 Beta now available for FIRST HAND EXPERIENCE.

Posted by Southern Crossie 2014-03-11

ZK 7.0.1 Released!

ZK 7.0.1 released with bug fixes and new features including slider support for minimal position and decimal mode & more!


Posted by Southern Crossie 2014-02-25


ZK 7 OUT NOW with more great themes & less code! A NEW theming experience with CSS 3, LESS & Bootstrap to achieve the best flexibility and simplicity to date!

Release note:
New features:

Posted by Southern Crossie 2013-11-26 Labels: zk theme CSS 3 LESS Bootstrap

ZK Spreadsheet 3.0 Officially Released!

ZK Spreadsheet is an embeddable Ajax spreadsheet that delivers rich functionalities of Excel within browsers using pure Java without the need for any plugins. Version 3.0 is now officially released with an overhaul for simpler API, new features, functions & bug fixes!

Release note:
New features:

Posted by Southern Crossie 2013-11-05

ZK 7 PREVIEW: More great theming & less time coding!

ZK 7 is a major release focusing on improving the theme system, bringing with it the most powerful theme engine to date combining the power of CSS 3, LESS and Bootstrap to create the best possible experience!

To download:
Release note:
New features:

Posted by Southern Crossie 2013-08-13

ZATS Mimic 1.1 Released!

ZATS Mimic 1.1 is an upgrading release to support more operations such as upload, download, custom operation and many advanced features including cookie handling, passing arguments to included ZUL, and more .

Posted by Southern Crossie 2013-04-30

All New ZK Studio 2.0 Released!

ZK Studio 2.0 Released with all new experience! Introducing content assistance for MVC & MVVM and improved solidity & performance!

check it out now:

Posted by Southern Crossie 2013-04-09

ZK 6.5.2 Released!

We have just released ZK 6.5.2! Consisting of 18 new features and 80+ bug fixes including improved MVVM, improved theme customization & Portlet 2.0 support!

Release note:
New Features:

Posted by Southern Crossie 2013-03-26

The new ZK 6.5, From mouse to Touch!

The new ZK 6.5 is a whole new release with new dimensions taking developers to achieve real device transparency in one codebase and component set, exploring the area of combined desktop & tablet UI and touch experiences in the simplest and most efficient way.

release note:

Posted by Southern Crossie 2012-09-12

ZK Online Themer Alpha Released!

ZK Releases Online Themer to help you create different themes & colours for your ZK application in just a few clicks!

For details, visit:

Posted by Southern Crossie 2012-08-23

ZK 6.5 and Tablet UI Design

The soon-to-be-released ZK 6.5 introduces new features that enable developers to design user interfaces that take advantage of tablet-specific user interaction methods such as swiping and changing device orientations.

Read here:
Related reading:

Posted by Southern Crossie 2012-08-14

ZK Pivottable 2.0 Delivered!

ZK Pivottable 2.0 is now officially released with major performance optimization and increased Excel compatibility on functions and UI operations.

For release note, visit
To download, go to

Posted by Southern Crossie 2012-06-28

ZATS Mimic 1.0 Officially Released!

ZATS Mimic 1.0.0 is the first official release of ZATS, ZK Application Test Suite. ZATS Mimic offers the ability to create test cases for applications to verify functionality and features without the need of any application servers such as Tomcat or Jetty, enabling tests to be run faster and using less resources than any other testing tools. ZATS Mimic can be used with most popular unit testing frameworks such as JUnit and TestNG to provide an easy out-of-the-box way to test your ZK applications. ... read more

Posted by Southern Crossie 2012-05-22

ZK 6.0.1 Released!

ZK 6.0.1 brings with it a whole host of new features and new components such as fushionchart integration and the biglistbox which is designed to use as little server-side memory as possible minimizing updating area to its viewport at client-side, displaying trillions worth of data at an amazing speed. Along with this, 6.0.1 also comes with numerous databinding improvements including reference binding, converter for children binding, form bean validator and more.... read more

Posted by Southern Crossie 2012-05-02


ATS Mimic enables developers to test their composer WITHOUT an Application Server or a Browser. Through this library, testers can mimic user interactions to applications such as clicking or typing to verify composer's (controller layer) data and logic. All they have to do is to write a regular unit test case and use Mimic's utility class to interact components on ZUL and then, run the test case. ... read more

Posted by Southern Crossie 2012-04-25

ZK Spring 3.1 Released!

ZK Spring 3.1 is a maintenance release mainly focusing on fixing bugs and upgrading compatibility to fully support ZK 6. GenericSpringComposer has also been deprecated for better usage.

For details, please visit
or download it right away!

Posted by Southern Crossie 2012-03-09

ZK 6 Officially Released!

ZK 6.0 is now Officially Released! With a whole host of changes and up to 100, 000 lines of code changes in between versions five and six, ZK 6.0 is a release not only with upgrades and higher performance but also introducing users to a new concept of data binding and MVVM design pattern, adoption of generics and Java 1.5, jQuery & CSS 3 style server-side selectors, advanced templates, compatibility to support jQuery 1.6.4 and more.... read more

Posted by Southern Crossie 2012-02-15

ZK 6 RC Released!

ZK 6 RC is now officially released introducing users to generic enhancements, next generation data binding system, jQuery & CSS Style Server-side Selectors and many more.
For more details, please check out the
Release note
New Features

Posted by Southern Crossie 2011-11-15

ZK6 Feature Highlight: Datebox Input Shortcut

Simon Pai has written a blog introducing one of ZK 6's new features, Datebox and Timebox input shortcut, providing a way to speed up date and time input for regular users of a web application.

To go to the blog post:

Posted by Southern Crossie 2011-11-07

ZK Spreadsheet 2.1.1 Released!

ZK Spreadsheet 2.1.1 released! This release focuses on bug fixing and performance tuning; improving overall system deployment including creating & selecting spreadsheets and data editing providing greater user experience.

Release note
To Live Demo
To ZK Spreadsheet Product Homepage
To Associated Blog

Posted by Southern Crossie 2011-09-14

Interview: XPages Contest Winner Dennis Chen

Exclusive interview with IBM XPages Development Contest Winner Dennis Chen who integrated ZK Spreadsheet into Lotus Domino XPages enabling developers to embed excel functionality into their XPages applications. Dennis reveals his thoughts on the contest, challenges he encountered, and the greatest value of this project.

Check out his interview here

Posted by Southern Crossie 2011-09-07

ZK Wins IBM XPages Development Contest!

ZK Developer Dennis Chen has won the IBM XPages Development Contest for his work in integrating ZK Spreadsheet into enabling developers to embed excel functionality into their XPages applications whilst creating a bridge in between XPages and ZK giving it an unique architecture with great extensibility providing users with the ability to easily integrate any ZK components into their XPages applications. ... read more

Posted by Southern Crossie 2011-09-07

ZK 5.0.8 Released!

Thanks to the support and huge effort contributed by the community and large scale enterprise deployments, the ZK Team has been working to increase the stability and performance of ZK over the past three months. With this driving force behind, ZK 5.0.8 is a maintenance release focusing on fixing bugs with introductions to a few new features including an upgrade to support JasperReports 4 and Jython 2.5.2, an introduction to a new databinding composer, locale improvements for components and others.... read more

Posted by Southern Crossie 2011-08-31