
ZK - Simply Ajax and Mobile / News: Recent posts

Online Live Coding Playground Now Available on ZK Forum!

ZK Team has integrated ZK Fiddle with ZK Forum presenting the first online live coding playground in Java to the ZK Community, enabling developers with the ability to easily share code snippets for public viewing and to interact with each other in a more convenient manner.

For more information on how ZK Fiddle works, please check out the associated blog:

Posted by Southern Crossie 2011-08-30

IBM Informix and ZK Integration Tutorial

Tim Clare & Sachin together presents a real-world example integrating IBM Informix & ZK to create rich, powerful applications.

Please check it out here:

Posted by Southern Crossie 2011-08-25

ZEST 1.1 released!

ZK Team is pleased to announce that an upgrading release of ZEST 1.1 is now available for download!

Download here:

Posted by Southern Crossie 2011-08-22

ZK CKEditor released!

ZK Team is pleased to announce the release of ZK CKEditor with new features is now available for download!

Download here:

Posted by Southern Crossie 2011-08-18

ZK 5.0.8 is now ready for testing!

ZK 5.0.8 will be released soon. Please try out CE, PE & EE versions and give us your valuable feedback!

For CE:

For PE & EE

Posted by Southern Crossie 2011-08-16

Embed Spreadsheets in XPages Applications

ZK Team is pleased to announce the integration of ZK spreadsheet and XPages as a reusable control is now available enabling users to embed excel functionality & features in IBM's XPages Applications

For more info, please go to

Posted by Southern Crossie 2011-08-11

ZK Gmapsz 3.0.0 now available for download!

The ZK Team is pleased to announce that an upgrading release of ZK Gmapsz 3.0.0 is now available for download wrapping Google Maps’ API v3 into the library.

Download here
Blog post on Gmapsz3

Posted by Southern Crossie 2011-07-22

IBM Article on sample app using ZK as UI base

Business Solution Architect W.Jenny from IBM has published an article on decoupling business process and business data in WebSphere Process Server with a sample application using ZK as the base for its user interface.

To read the article, please go to

Posted by Southern Crossie 2011-06-23

First ZK Webinar now available online!

The recorded video of the first ever ZK Webinar on the topic "ZK & JSP, when to use the technology together” is now available online for those who were unable to attend.

To view this webinar, please go to

Posted by Southern Crossie 2011-06-09

ZK Spreadsheet 2.1 - officially released!

ZK Spreadsheet 2.1 is now officially released introducing hot new features including auto filter functionality, vertical merging, support for copying and pasting to Excel and exporting to HTML and more!

For more details, please check out
New Features
Release Note

Posted by Southern Crossie 2011-05-31

ZK JSP 1.6 Released!

We are pleased to announce the release of ZK JSP 1.6 which now allows SEORenderer to be an application-level listener and support for system-level initiator compatible with ZK 5.0.7.

Download here

For Documentation go to

Posted by Southern Crossie 2011-05-24

ZK Spreadsheet 2.1 is now ready for testing

ZK Spreadsheet 2.1 will be released soon. Please try it out and give us your valuable feedback.

Try it out here:

Posted by Southern Crossie 2011-05-18

ZK Grails 1.0.3 and 1.1-M1 released!

Chanwit has released 2 versions of ZK Grails, both shipping with ZK 5.0.7. ZK Grails 1.0.3 is a maintenance release for the 1.0 series and ZK Grails 1.1-M1 is the first milestone of the 1.1 series focusing on the support of cloud portability and is now deployable to Cloud Foundry.

ZK Grails 1.0.3 release note

ZK Grails 1.1-M1 release note

Posted by Southern Crossie 2011-05-17

ZK 5.0.7 released!

The 5.0.7 maintenance release focuses on fixing bugs and introduces newly improved features for ZK components including a full support for IE 9 and Firefox 4, improved touch functionalities for iOS browsers as well as improvements to i18n, tree sorting, listbox and many more.

Posted by Tim 2011-05-11

ZK 5.0.7 is now ready for testing

ZK 5.0.7 will be released soon. Please try out CE, PE/EE, and give us your valuable feedback.

Posted by Tim 2011-05-03

ZK Themes officially released!

ZK Themes is now available for download offering a collection of various themes for the ZK framework. Themes can either be used or derived from and can be switched dynamically by a simple click providing users with powerful customisability and satisfaction.

Posted by Tim 2011-04-20

SunGard sets ZK + Grails as base for Banner

“Building the UI in the new Banner by using ZK Grails simplifies the development of the user interface for everyday web developers” remarked SunGard GM Robert Rullo in his presentation at the SunGard Summit 2011.

Posted by Tim 2011-04-12

ZK Pivottable 1.0.0 Beta Released!

We are proud to release a beta version of ZK Pivottable, an Ajax data component with advanced features such as paging, subtotals and events.

Posted by Tim 2011-03-31

ZK Spreadsheet 2.0.1 Released

ZK Spreadsheet has been released sporting 4 new features and 19 bug fixes. New features include support for wrapping ZK Spreadsheet as a JSP tag and a multi line formula editor.

Posted by Tim 2011-01-25

Physical Window Attributes

Contributor Diego Bravo, software architect, shares with us his "physical window scope" pattern which enables developers to differentiate between physical browser windows.

Posted by Tim 2010-12-08

UK User Group 2010!

We are delighted to announce our UK user group is going to be held on Wednesday 15th December in London. The event is free but places are limited so don't delay!

Posted by Tim 2010-11-12

ZKGrails 1.0 Released!

Chanwit has released version 1.0 of the open-source Grails integration project, ZKGrails, supporting ZK 5.0.5! The release denotes a historic milestone for the highly popular project which is used in many noteworthy ZK based customer applications.

Posted by Tim 2010-11-10

ZK 5.0.5 Released

ZK 5.0.5 is a maintenance release focusing on fixing bugs and releasing new improved features for ZK components. ZK 5.0.5 brings with it an upgrade to jQuery 1.4.3 as well as enhancements to the Listbox, Tree and hlayout among others. In addition ZK Breeze theme is now bundled with ZK 5.0.5.

Posted by Tim 2010-11-02

Release ZK CodeMirror Component released!

Star contributor and creator of Jease, Maik Jablonski, has released an excellent ZK component which wraps CodeMirror which is an online code editor with syntax highlighting.

Posted by Tim 2010-10-22

Introducing the ZK Composite

Jumper Chen introduces us to the ZK composite which is a concept in which we design a customized component based on a template zul file similar to a Macro component. However, unlike a Macro component, developers can include other child components within a ZK composite.

Posted by Tim 2010-10-20