
#77 Label under bar code is truncated


This is the first time I use this tool and I would like to say thank you for sharing it. It's a great tool. :o)

I downloaded the version of 2017-10-16 you posted yesterday and tried to play with it. I found these issues: the text under the barcode is always truncated to 5 characters.

When I delete the text Data to encode, the error message "Error 205: No input data" appears in the drawing area, and the program stops working (crash).

I hope this will help to improve the tool.


  • Harald Oehlmann

    Harald Oehlmann - 2017-10-17

    thank you for the comments on the wind 32 test version.

    crash when made empty. A crash was reproducible like that:

    I could reproduce a crash like that:

    • start the program with symbology = Datamatrix
    • set Data = "Your".
    • Then press two times the delete key.

    There is a core dump. I am not sure if it is due to Datamatrix does not support only 3 characters or if there is another issue.

    Is your core-dump covered by this test ?

    interpretation always truncated to 5 characters

    I could reproduce something similar like that:

    • choose Code128 as symbology
    • Use data "Your Data Here!"
    • The interpetation line is truncated by 2 characters.

    Indeed, the two issues are apparently related.
    The input widget always removes the first two characters.
    If there are only two, there is a core dump.

    Robin, could that be due to the BMP removal snipped ?

    Thank you all,

  • Robin Stuart

    Robin Stuart - 2017-10-20

    What an embassingly silly mistake! Yes, this is because I didn't implement the strip BOM function properly. A patch is on its way imminently.

    Thank you for the bug report.



    Last edit: Robin Stuart 2017-10-20
  • Robin Stuart

    Robin Stuart - 2018-06-21
    • status: open --> closed

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