
#70 Aztec: Unreadable by Scanner


I am attempting to generate some aztec barcodes using base64 encoded data and I have found that zint is generating barcodes that are unreadable by a variety of different android / ios scanners.

If I go back to version 2.4.2 than the barcodes will generate in a scanable fashion

I have a somewhat minimal reproduction for this

/usr/local/bin/zint --barcode=92 --data=123456789A1B2C3D4E5F6G7H8I9JKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZaAbBcCdDeEfFgGhHiIjklmnopq1

I have tried with various different vers / mode options and none seem to scan, any help would be appreciated.

2 Attachments


  • John Mortlock

    John Mortlock - 2017-09-28

    Just playing around with this some more and it seems that the x/y axis are inverted which causes issues with the barcode readers, if you open up the zint 2.6.1 image in Gimp or simlar and flip the image vertically barcode scanners will read it fine.

  • John Mortlock

    John Mortlock - 2017-09-30

    So zint --direct --barcode=92 --rotate=90 -data=123456789A1B2C3D4E5F6G7H8I9JKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZaAbBcCdDeEfFgGhHiIjklmnopq1 | convert - -flop fixed.png
    orientates the barcode like version 2.4.1 and makes it readable by the scanner

  • Robin Stuart

    Robin Stuart - 2017-09-30

    Hi John,

    Thank you for your well documented bug report. As you had guessed I had managed to invert the x/y coordinates when populating the Aztec grid. Hopefully this problem is now fixed with the patch I have just committed. If you could recompile and let me know if this has fixed the problem it would be appreciated.


  • John Mortlock

    John Mortlock - 2017-10-01

    I have ran again with master code and the orientation issues are fixed!


  • Robin Stuart

    Robin Stuart - 2017-10-01
    • status: open --> closed
    • assigned_to: Robin Stuart
  • Robin Stuart

    Robin Stuart - 2017-10-01

    Thanks, John.


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