
#8 Change logging framework to Log::Log4perl


Change the current logging framework to use Log::Log4perl which provides a greater flexibility in terms of log-level and destinations by simply changing the configuration file


  • Holger Paschke

    Holger Paschke - 2009-02-20

    If we migrate to Log4Perl, please keep the default on SysLogging. SysLogging just has just so many advantages over file-based logging...

  • Boris Bukowski

    Boris Bukowski - 2009-02-20

    I would say "Keep it stupid simple".
    We dont need such "Neumodischen Krams" :)


  • Thorsten Klein

    Thorsten Klein - 2009-02-20

    Sure, this was the main intention.

    However you're easily able to add some file-based logging and even more important change the logging level easily for debugging/development purposes.

  • Thorsten Klein

    Thorsten Klein - 2009-03-18
    • assigned_to: nobody --> grobie
  • Thorsten Klein

    Thorsten Klein - 2009-03-18

    For the agent part this is mainly done with revision 50.

    The default config uses level warning and logs to syslog. Additionally there's an example how to log in a specific file.

    The whole approach is quite sophisticated, because you could set the log level for each module individually either via log.conf of the modules config (for the debugging level only). This allows very nice logging during the development of a single module w/o spoiling the log and/or syslog with too much unneeded output.

    The daemon part is still open.


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