
BookX Documentation


Important: This software is still in a beta testing stage!

This is the documentation page for the ZenCart product type BookX version 0.9.4 Beta (September 6th, 2014)..

If you have questions not answered here, please post a comment in the "BookX" thread at the ZenCart forum (english) or in german at Zen Cart Pro.

If you have discovered a bug, please open a ticket here on the SourceForge project page.


This module introduces a new product type “BookX” into the Zencart shopping cart system. This product type is aimed a selling books. It allows the separate management of authors, publishers, imprints, series, genres, book conditions, binding type and printing type. These attributes can then be assigned to products of type “BookX”. In the case of authors and genres, multiple assignments can be made to a single product. In addition there are fields for number of pages, volume number in a series and publishing date.

This module is only tested on ZenCart version 1.5 and 1.5.1. It will most probably run as is on later versions, but certainly not on earlier versions of ZC.


  • Separate database tables for publishers, authors, genres and some other book attributes, making these attributes are easier to maintain and allow for filtering of product lists in the shop
  • Cross-referencing between products, such as “Other books by this author / in this genre etc.)
  • Listings of all Authors, Series, (new as of 0.9.4:) Publishers, Imprints, Genres
  • “Product Info” page template (i.e. info display for single product) which can be customized by settings in the admin and without modifying the PHP code
  • Book X attributes are also available outside the “Product Info” page template, for example in the “Product Listing” template and the shopping cart without modifying ZC core files
  • Conversion of existing products to type "BookX" and vice vers
  • NEW IN 0.9.3: Option to sort product listings according to books "releases soon" / "new" / "out of print"

  • NEW IN 0.9.4: Assign & remove Author / Publisher / Series / Genre / Imprint to multiple books at once


Since this project is hosted on SF it comes as no surprise that it is free, but this module is also Feedbackware: Please leave a message in the ZC forum or here if you are using this module and / or you have suggestions how it may be improved. Please report bugs.

You appreciate the work on done on BookX and would like to...

The cat wants to eat caviar and the Mrs. wants to drive a Rolls. So, if you find this software useful and you would like to make a donation, those two will be very happy to spend it while I'm sitting in the garage programming :)
No amount is too small to be appreciated (if it pays me at least a beer) – Many thanks!

<form action="" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick"> <input type="hidden" name="hosted_button_id" value="B8AJYUXULQPSE"> <input type="image" src="" border="0" name="submit" alt="Donate to the BookX development"> </form>

Documentation contents

[Install (Update) & Uninstall]

[Operating BookX via ZC Admin]



Wiki: Configuration
Wiki: Install (Update) & Uninstall
Wiki: Operating BookX via ZC Admin