
How change axis lables

  • Eferov Ivan

    Eferov Ivan - 2016-08-18

    I have several graphs that depend on each other and using Xaxis type Linear, order to hide gaps in Xaxis.
    How can I change the labels on the X axis don`t use axis type Text?!

  • John Vickers

    John Vickers - 2016-08-22

    Eferov Ivan,

    Can you explain what type of labels you would like to have?


    • Eferov Ivan

      Eferov Ivan - 2016-08-22

      Text or Datetime, but if a can use these types the graph becomes such that is not correct


      Last edit: Eferov Ivan 2016-08-22
  • John Vickers

    John Vickers - 2016-08-22

    Ah, before you had it set up with integers. I understand now. If you would like using datetimes, check out my scrolling graph example to see how to format for datetime.



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