
#84 Multiple definitions


For some characters there are multiple
definitions/pinyin. When using the flash cards there is
no way to know which I'm being prompted to enter. If I
enter a correct pinyin, but not the one that the card
expects I get it wrong.

It would be nice if there was the ability to enter any
valid answer and that future prompts tell the user
which answers have already been used. Or some indicator
on the card that gives the user some idea of which
definition/pinyin it's looking for. I'm not sure which
approach is best.


  • Michael van den Berg

    • status: open --> closed-works-for-me
    • Version: --> pre-v1
  • Michael van den Berg

    This is a valid request, though not a bug.

    "Or some indicator on the card that gives the user some idea of which definition/pinyin it's looking for" -> it is possible to add a number to the Chinese character.

    An example would be: 开 (kai, to open, start, turn on, drive) of which the meaning depends on the character following or on the sentence.
    At this moment it is possible to add a number to the Simplified/Traditional in the Category Entries. For example "开 1", "开 2", "开 3" etc. This helps to user to know which definition is up. (tried with ZDT v1.0.2 on Win7)

    Another option is to enter the cards in context, i.e. with the character that follows it or with the sentence that it is used in. This way the meaning is learned based on the situation it is used in.

    Since it possible to add 'some indicator' to the card, this request is fulfilled, it is set to 'closed-works-for-me'.


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