
Get the x,y position of found barcode

  • beppecosta

    beppecosta - 2012-09-13

    I've successfully built Zbarimg 0.10 on my iSeries (AIX environment).
    I use it to get barcodes from thousands of scanned tiff images and it gets all the barcodes. It's just perfect !

    However I would like also to know the x,y coordinates where the barcodes has been found for example in the xml output:
    <symbol type='CODE-128' quality='50' X='200' Y='500'><data><![CDATA]></data></symbol>
    Is it possible ?

    • srikanth jonnada

      Giuseppe, I am looking for the same, find the x,y coordinates of the barcode. Were you able to find a way to do this? I would greatly appreciate if you could help me in that. Thank you.


      Last edit: srikanth jonnada 2015-09-03
  • spadix

    spadix - 2012-10-15

    The library does collect some information about the barcode location, but zbarimg does not currently make it available; you would have to use one of the programming interfaces to access it.

    If you do use the symbol location data, be careful not to make too many assumptions about what you see.  In general, you should view this data only as a point cloud, eg where the center of mass, size and bounds are well defined.  Anything more specific is likely to change in the future.

    Hope that helps!

  • beppecosta

    beppecosta - 2012-10-23

    The scanned tiff image contains 5 barcodes and should be cropped into 5 pieces. Because original is non always right positioned on scanner, if I know the x,y I can crop it perfectly.

    Can you please tell me more on how I can find additional info about the programming interfaces ?


  • Alex Gheorghiu

    Alex Gheorghiu - 2012-11-15

    It would be AWESOME if I could get the position (x and y) of found barcodes. I need to order the recognized barcodes from left to right and top to bottom.

    Do you think you can add this to the standard output ?


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