
#73 zbar incorrect character display



I'm having trouble displaying accented characters with zbar.
Other users have reported the same issue. eg.:
Somehow, the latter thread was closed but if I download the image at:
(see BOM explanation)
and then run the zbarimg utility, the output isn't correct (I'm expecting "Rémy Hubscher"):
zbarimg --verbose=100 -d chart.png
win_handle_event: WM_SIZE 640x480
_zbar_window_resize: 640x480 scale=13
win_handle_event: WM_SIZE 200x200
_zbar_window_resize: 200x200 scale=5
_zbar_process_image: processing: Y800(30303859) 200x200 @004427E0
_zbar_qr_decode: 78x90 finders, 5 centers:
_zbar_process_image: QR-Code: Rémy Hubscher (4 pts) (q=1) (new)
QR-Code:Rémy Hubscher
_zbar_best_format: from Y800(30303859) to BGR3(33524742)=32 BGR4(34524742)=32 JP
zbar_window_redraw: init: src=Y800(30303859) 0x0 dst=BGR3(33524742) 0x0
_zbar_window_bih_init: biCompression=0 biBitCount=24
zbar_window_redraw: scale: src=200x200 win=200x200 by 200/200 => 200x200 @0,0
zbar_window_redraw: convert: Y800(30303859) 200x200 => BGR3(33524742) 200x200
win_handle_event: WM_CLOSE
WARNING: zbar processor in _zbar_processor_handle_input():
output window is closed: user closed display window
scanned 1 barcode symbols from 1 images
win_handle_event: WM_DESTROY
dump_stats: symbol sets allocated = 1
dump_stats: scanner syms in use = 0 recycled = 0
dump_stats: image syms in use = 0 recycled = 0
dump_stats: symbols allocated = 1
dump_stats: recycled[0] = 0
dump_stats: recycled[1] = 0
dump_stats: recycled[2] = 0
dump_stats: recycled[3] = 0
dump_stats: recycled[4] = 0
_zbar_qr_destroy: max finder lines = 127x127

Any clues?
Is this a known bug or am I doing something wrong?



  • Vieri Di Paola

    Vieri Di Paola - 2013-01-01

    I also compiled the latest code tree from Mercurial and had the same issue.

  • Adalbert Hanßen

    Today, in version 0.23, ten years later than the last discussion, the bug is still present as experienced on Xubuntu 20.04.2: The letter "ß" appearing in my name is output as a Chinese character テ歹. zbarimg should output as utf-8 by default - or at least should have an option to do so.

  • Tormod Volden

    Tormod Volden - 2023-02-17

    There is a clone over at which has more development activity (and is probably where your 0.23 came from), maybe you should report the issue there.


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