
#180 Missing 16x16 Tiles

Brett S.

I guess these are reported here? I've noticed a few
missing tiles in Adam Bolt's 16x16 tileset.

-Culverin, monster (orange 'I')
-Bakeneko, monster (cyan 'f')
-Shallow puddle, monster (cyan '~')
-Deep puddle, monster (blue '~')
-Unstable worm mass, monster (orange 'w')
-The Flamer of Tzeentch, monster (orange ',')
-Morgenstern, Julian's steed, monster (white 'q')
-Bazaar, shop (grey '1')
-Mage Tower, shop (pink '9')
-Double Ring Mail, item (grey '[')

As I get deeper into the dungeon I'll update this with any
other missing icons I find.


  • Ross Morgan-Linial

    • priority: 5 --> 3
  • Antony Holmes

    Antony Holmes - 2002-07-29

    Logged In: YES

    A few more to add

    Anti-Magic hound (purple 'Z')
    Utgard-Loke (white 'P')
    Boadile (Dark green 'S')
    Fat Man (grey '{')
    Giganto the Gargargantuan (grey 'l')
    Iridescent worm mass (purple 'w')

  • Brett S.

    Brett S. - 2002-08-12

    Logged In: YES

    Down just past level 70 now :) I've these to add.

    -Bat of Gorgoroth (green 'b')
    -Giant Silver Ant (white 'a')
    -Scylla (green 'M')
    -Judge Fire (red 's')
    -Lloigor (cyan 'v')
    -Malekith the Accursed (purple 'h')
    -Crypt Thing (cyan 'L')
    -Fire Vampire (red 'V')
    -Giant Headless (brown 'H')
    -Vore (purple 'S')
    -Charybdis (red 'l')
    -Spawn of Ubbo-Sathla (varying 'j')
    -Judge Death (dark grey 'W')
    -Demilich (tan 'L')
    -Lesser black reaver (dark grey 'L')
    -Juggernaught of Khorne (dark grey 'g')
    -Nycadaemon (orange 'U')
    -Garm, Guardian of Hel (brown 'C')
    -Judge Fear (dark grey 'W')
    -Zephyr Lord (varying 'W')
    -Wyrd sister (yellow 'p')
    -Judge Mortis (green 'z')
    -Ebony monk (dark grey 'p')
    -Greater basilisk (green, light green, or dark grey 'R')
    -Zoth-Ommog (brown 'R')
    -Fallen angel (grey 'A')
    -Storm Troll (cyan 'T')
    -Jack of Shadows (white 'p')
    -Behemoth (green 'H')
    -Quantum dot (varying ',')
    -Mattock, item (grey '\')

  • Brett S.

    Brett S. - 2002-08-12

    Logged In: YES

    Some other notes concerning icons...

    Noxious Fume, monster (yellow '*') has an icon but a non-
    transparent background. Easily observed when it spawns in
    the wilderness.
    Weird Fume, monster (varying '*') probably has this problem
    All rune icons have the above problem.

    On a related note, when you display a character's kill count,
    monsters with no icon will show their ASCII ecquivalent on
    the far left of their line. Only these monsters do this and it
    messes up the formatting.

    Some creatures have an icon, but it's so faint/featureless that
    they blend in far too well with their surroundings. Even with
    the visible monsters listed in another window, it can be -very-
    difficult to find some creatures.
    Some are too small, such as piranhas and barracudas. Others
    are too well camouflaged. Any creature drawn mostly as plain
    black is frustrating to find after casting detect monsters as
    they blend into the black background almost seamlessly.
    Tengus, Chaos Drakes, and Imps are good examples. But
    others really do blend in 100%! Shadow Hounds, Nether
    Worms, Shadow Drakes, and Vampiric Mists being good
    examples. Try manually finding those against a black

  • Brett S.

    Brett S. - 2002-08-19

    Logged In: YES

    -Itangast the Fire Drake (red 'D')
    -Fangorn (light green '%')

    Aha, I finally figured out that the library would make this very
    easy :P Here's the rest of them!

    -Pazazu, Lord of Air (white 'B')
    -Lord of Change (varying 'B')
    -Fenris Wolf (dark grey 'C')
    -Spectral Wyrm (white 'D')
    -Leviathan (light blue 'D')
    -Nidhogg the Hel-Drake (dark grey 'D')
    -The Fastitocalon (light green 'D')
    -Cyaegha (dark grey 'e')
    -Shuma-Gorath (light green 'e')
    -Ultimate beholder (orange 'e')
    -Caaws (dark grey 'E')
    -Tulzscha, the Green Flame (light green 'E')
    -Cthugha, the Living Flame (light red 'E')
    -Destroyer (light grey 'g')
    -Auto-mobile (light red 'g')
    -Artsi the Champion of Chaos (light green 'h')
    -Dark elven shade (white 'h')
    -Death leprechaun (dark grey 'h')
    -Leprechaun fanatic (drak grey 'h')
    -Y'golonac (light red 'H')
    -Keeper of Secrets (purple 'H')
    -Ghatanothoa (dark grey 'H')
    -Eihort, the Thing in the Labyrinth (light red 'j')
    -Ubbo-Sathla, the Unbegotten Source (light grey 'j')
    -Jormungand the Midgard Serpent (dark green 'J') (and
    shouldn't that be Midgaard?)
    -Abhoth, Source of Uncleanness (light green 'J')
    -Glaaki (dark green 'l')
    -Greater kraken (light green 'l')
    -Lesser kraken (light green 'l')
    -Archlich (light blue 'L')
    -King in Yellow (yellow 'L')
    -Hela, Queen of the Dead (dark green 'p')
    -Gandalf the Grey (purple 'p') (shouldn't this be a light/dark
    -Hell Knight (light grey 'p')
    -Nodens, Lord of the Great Abyss (white 'P')
    -Ymir the Ice Giant (white 'P')
    -Surtur the Giant Fire Demon (dark red 'P')
    -Loki the Trickster (dark green 'P')
    -Hypnos, Lord of Sleep (varying 'P')
    -Hru (light grey 'P')
    -Yibb-Tstll the Patient One (dark grey 'P')
    -Unicorn of Order (white 'q')
    -Chaugnar Faugn, Horror from the Hills (dark grey 'q')
    -Tsathoggua, the Sleeper of N'kai (dark grey 'r')
    -Yig, Father of Serpents (dark green 'R')
    -Zhar the Twin Obscenity (dark grey 'R')
    -Lourph (brown 'S')
    -Rhan-Tegoth (dark blue 'S')
    -Ulik the Troll (orange 'T')
    -Oremorj the Cyberdemon Lord (brown 'U')
    -Warp Demon (orange 'U')
    -Bloodthirster (dark red 'U')
    -Daoloth, the Render of the Veils (light grey 'U')
    -Great unclean one (light green 'U')
    -Pattern vortex (brown 'v')
    -Vlad Dracula, Prince of Darkness (dark blue 'V')
    -Shudde M'ell (light grey 'w')
    -Quachil Uttaus, Treader of the Dust (dark grey 'z')
    -Mana hound (light blue 'Z')
    -Ent (light green '%')
    -Fat Man (dark grey '{')
    -Plain Gold Ring (yellow '=')

    That should be all of them now!

  • Steven Fuerst

    Steven Fuerst - 2002-09-16
    • priority: 3 --> 1
  • Ross Morgan-Linial

    Logged In: YES

    From running a script over the edit files, there are 117
    monsters and 5 items that need graphics drawn/reused, plus 7
    items that just need entries in graf-new.prf.

  • Steven Fuerst

    Steven Fuerst - 2003-02-21
    • milestone: --> Game

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