
Z88 Development Kit / News: Recent posts

z88dk v2.0 released

Another year has passed, so it must be time for a new z88dk release!

Despite the project being almost 22 years old we're still making major changes and improvements

This release of z88dk sees support for two new processors:

  • gbz80: zsdcc, sccz80 and classic now support gbz80 machines
  • 8080/5: sccz80 and classic now support 8080/5 machines

Support for the following machines has been added:

  • Nintendo Gameboy
  • Tesla PMD85 (8080)
  • CP/M based: Excalibur 64, Sony SMC-70/SMC-777, Sharp X1
  • Hübler/Evert-MC, Hübler Grafik-MC, Kramer MC
  • Nichibutsu My Vision, Hanimex Pencil II
  • Toshiba Pasopia7, Bandai Supervision SV8000, Videoton TVC
  • RomWBW based machines including Retrobrew and RC2014
  • SCZ180 family machines... read more
Posted by dom 2020-02-03

z88dk v1.99C released 19/01/2019

The official release packages are available both here on Sourceforge and on GitHub.

This is the third transition release in anticipation of v2.0.

Install Instructions:

It's been a while since the last release and all of our doc refers to nightly builds, so a nightly build has been promoted into a release.

This release of z88dk contains many significant changes over the 1.99B, significantly increasing the number of supported systems, improving source code compatibility between the two compilers and natively supporting more z80 derivative CPUs. The major changes are detailed below:... read more

Posted by dom 2019-01-19

Z88DK v1.99B Released 10-Jan-2017

The official release packages are available here on Sourceforge.
Visit us on github for more information:

Z88DK - v1.99B 10 Jan 2017

This is the second transition release in anticipation of v2.0.

Install Instructions:

Compiling for Generic z80 Embedded Systems Using the New C Library: read more

Posted by alvin 2017-01-24

Updates to 1.99A to Correct Issues for Linux and MacOSX

z88dk-src-1.99A has been updated to z88dk-src-1.99A-1
z88dk-osx-1.99A has been updated to z88dk-osx-1.99A-1

Issues Corrected:

grant execute permission

prevent new c lib build from stopping on error while making the float library "m"

fix filename case issue

added as counterpart of existing "Winmake.bat" for Windows

Posted by alvin 2015-12-30

z88dk 1.99A Released

v1.99A represents significant changes within z88dk. This version is a transition version and anticipates a v2.0 when the entire project will have completed the development roadmap.

Posted by alvin 2015-12-24

z88dk v1.99A Release Candidate

A release candidate for v1.99 is available for testing until Dec 23 at:

Details about the upcoming release here:

Posted by alvin 2015-12-17

z88dk v1.8 Released

Version 1.8 of z88dk has now been released, the main changes in this release are improved stability for platforms which reserve registers for either hardware or software purposes, high res graphics for the ZX81, ports of the SP1 sprite engine to the ZX81 and TS2068 and an Xlib emulation wrapper that should work on all targets with graphics capabilities.

Posted by dom 2008-03-09

Windows installer updated (new version is 1.7.0a)

A bug was introduced during the windows version compilation.
The new windows installer is "z88dk-1.7.0a-setup.exe".
For a quick fix (without repeating the installation) you can update your binary files with the ones got from "":

Posted by Stefano Bodrato 2007-09-14

Z88DK v1.7 - Windows Installer Released

The current package is now also available in "auto-installable" form to help the non-expert windows users in the setup process.

Posted by Stefano Bodrato 2007-08-16

z88dk v1.7 Released

The first in our regular cycles of z88dk has been released. This release contains changes that have been applied over the past two years, including a number of new platforms, changes to the core libraries to make compiled programs smaller and faster and a large number of other changes. For the rest of the details we can remember please see the changelog.

Posted by dom 2007-07-15

Support for REL files added

It is now possible to link external CP/M's REL files !
The "rel2z80" tool (located in the "/support" folder) is able to extract object code modules from a REL library and write them in Z80ASM format.
This permits to make external libraries (or even entire programs) compatible with Z88DK and all its platforms.

Posted by Stefano Bodrato 2006-03-16

Z88DK 1.6 Released

After more than 2, here's a new release.
There are many small fixes and upgrades.. so many that we forgot half of them !
This time we provided a Windows installer for the lazy people of the windows world :-)

Posted by Stefano Bodrato 2005-05-14

z88dk v1.5 released

Version 1.5 of the multi-targetted Z80 C cross compiler has been released. This release supports over 20 Z80 based machines and is a significant improvement on previous releases.

Binary releases are available for Win32, Amiga and Solaris. A source code archive is available for all unix-alike platforms with GNU make and gcc.

Posted by dom 2002-12-16

Feature tracker removed

Since it wasn't used and feature requests go into support requests in anycase.

Posted by dom 2002-10-24

Status message

Work on z88dk is still ongoing. We're planning a new release soon which will support many more machines and have many new features compared to the last release over a year ago.

After this long pause we'll try to make slightly more frequent releases.

Posted by dom 2002-10-24