
Yu Pidgin tune status plugin / News: Recent posts

v0.4.0 released

After Pidgin 2.6.0, it becomes impossible to take advantage of Gtk2 perl module. In this version, I tried defer "require Gtk2" till plugin_load() and it works! So, all Gtk2 related features you can see in version 0.3.0 are all coming back. Furthermore, slash command has been enhanced. Now users are able to search artist/album on through slash command "/yulastfm"
If you find any bug, please report it. Thank you.
Hope you like it.

Posted by Leno Lin 2010-11-30

Moving SVN to Git

Moved source from SVN repo to Git, and SVN repo will have been closed recently. You could get code from Git repo by "git clone git:// yulastfm.git" and browse it at "".

Posted by Leno Lin 2009-10-06

YuLastfm 0.2.1 Release for Pidgin 2.6.x

There are two known issues of Pidgin 2.6.x, which are related to YuLastfm.

1. YuLastfm crashes Pidgin 2.6.x
This bug is caused by Pidgin or libgtk2-perl modul.
Every time when you using/requiring Gtk2 module in Perl plugins, it crashes.
Since I can do nothing to fix this,
I just submitted a ticket on Pidgin Trac system.
Ticket number is 8499
Go for more information. ... read more

Posted by Leno Lin 2009-08-31

Public reply to the author of

[[ The following paragraphs are the original comment of my journal which was posted by the author, Natureshadow, of ]]

linleno, this is an open world, so it is your right to publish this software.

However, the main aspect of open source is contribution, not concurrence. It would have been better for everyone, you, me, and our users, if you'd just contributed to my code. ... read more

Posted by Leno Lin 2009-04-07

YuLastfm 0.3.0 Released

NEW Feature in v.0.3.0

Enable user to send recent listened music information(track link on to his/her friend through a Gtk2-perl GUI. This is the major change in this release. The Gtk2-perl frame could be opened by executing a slash command "/yulastfm"

Posted by Leno Lin 2009-03-09

YuLastfm 0.2.0 Released

ABOUT YuLastfm

This is a Perl plugin for Pidgin. YuLastfm fetches current track information from through its API. Then, YuLastfm use this fetched infomation to update Pidgin's TUNE status, also known as Now Playing information, periodically.

YuLastfm ChangeLog

Version 0.2.0
* Adding Windows Installation Instruction in README.
* There's a reasonable improvement on backend refresh mechanism. This improvement mainly relies on a better usage of plugin timeout callback function.

Posted by Leno Lin 2009-02-19

YuLastFM v.0.1.1 Released

This Pidgin plugin fetches your now playing information from Last.FM periodically and refresh Pidgin's Tune Status(aka "now playing") information. It lets your buddies know what are you listening to right now. This plugin is easy to setup and easy to use. Read the README file in source tar ball or documentation page on this package for more information. Enjoy~

Posted by Leno Lin 2009-01-09