
Tree [b5c6b2] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 .gitignore 2011-04-02 dhmunro dhmunro [b5c6b2] modernized Makefile, minor fix to .gitignore
 LICENSE 2005-09-18 dhmunro dhmunro [33bb4b] Initial revision
 Makefile 2011-04-02 dhmunro dhmunro [b5c6b2] modernized Makefile, minor fix to .gitignore
 README 2005-09-18 dhmunro dhmunro [33bb4b] Initial revision
 check.i 2005-09-18 dhmunro dhmunro [33bb4b] Initial revision
 configure 2007-12-26 thiebaut thiebaut [b9845b] autoload fix for png/jpeg -> png2/jpeg2
 jpeg.i 2007-12-16 dhmunro dhmunro [be38d1] changed jpeg and png function names to not clob...
 jpgtest.i 2005-09-18 dhmunro dhmunro [33bb4b] Initial revision
 maked.i 2005-09-18 dhmunro dhmunro [33bb4b] Initial revision
 mpeg.i 2005-09-18 dhmunro dhmunro [33bb4b] Initial revision
 mpgtest.i 2005-09-18 dhmunro dhmunro [33bb4b] Initial revision
 png.i 2007-12-16 dhmunro dhmunro [be38d1] changed jpeg and png function names to not clob...
 pngtest.i 2005-09-18 dhmunro dhmunro [33bb4b] Initial revision
 spng.c 2005-09-18 dhmunro dhmunro [33bb4b] Initial revision
 spng.h 2005-09-18 dhmunro dhmunro [33bb4b] Initial revision
 yavcodec.h 2005-09-18 dhmunro dhmunro [33bb4b] Initial revision
 yjpeg.c 2005-09-18 dhmunro dhmunro [33bb4b] Initial revision
 ympeg.c 2005-09-18 dhmunro dhmunro [33bb4b] Initial revision
 ypng.c 2005-09-18 dhmunro dhmunro [33bb4b] Initial revision
 yzlib.c 2005-09-18 dhmunro dhmunro [33bb4b] Initial revision
 zlib.i 2005-09-18 dhmunro dhmunro [33bb4b] Initial revision
 ztest.i 2005-09-18 dhmunro dhmunro [33bb4b] Initial revision

Read Me


This is a compiled add-on for yorick (an interpreted computer language
specialized for numerical and scientific problems).  Yorick-z adds
support for zlib (the data compression system used by gzip), png (a
lossless image compression format), jpeg (a lossy image compression
format), and mpeg (mpeg1, a compressed video format).  These are not
supported in the basic yorick distribution, because each relies on a
specialized library beyond what is required for basic yorick
functionality.  (On Unix systems, yorick requires only libc, libm, and
libX11.  On Windows systems, yorick requires only dlls which ship with
every Windows system.)

The specific dependencies for yorick-z are:

   libz or
     - compression scheme used by gzip (.gz files)
     - .png image files, depends on libz
     - .jpg image files
     - .mpg video files

The APIs for these packages are not completely stable.  The yorick-z
package will work with the following versions:

   zlib    >= 1.1.4
   libpng  >= 1.2.8  (>=1.2.2 on little endian machines, eg pentium)
   libjpeg >= 6b
   ffmpeg  = 0.4.8 or 0.4.9-pre1  (particularly unstable API)

The yorick-z package supports zlib compression and decompression, both
reading and writing of png and jpeg images, and only writing of mpeg1
video movies.  You can configure yorick-z to build any one or all of
these packages, so you do not need to have, for example, libz, libpng,
or libavcodec to build a version of yorick with jpeg support.

Ordinarily, any of these libraries would be present on a system as a
shared library, which will be dynamically linked to yorick at runtime.
However, you are free to link any of them statically.  The libz,
libpng, and libjpeg shared libraries are tolerably widespread, since
most web browsers use those libraries.

However, at this writing, libavcodec (ffmpeg) is relatively rare, that
is, you will likely need to make a special effort to acquire and
install it on your system if you want the yorick-z mpeg1 support.  In
recognition of this fact, yorick-z allows you a third option for
libavcodec, in addition to either a static link, or a build-time link
to a shared library: Namely, you can configure yorick-z to dlopen
libavcodec at the first reference to any of the mpeg1 functionality.
That is, you can build yorick-z in such a way that the mpeg1
functionality becomes available when you install libavcodec, but the
other parts of yorick-z all work properly if you don't have
libavcodec.  (Note: This does not work under MacOS X.)


To build yorick-z, unpack it, cd into the top-level directory, and type:


To test the package, type:

   make check

To install the package, type (as root):

   make install

Before you do any of this, you need a working yorick that is on your
PATH (e.i.- so that when you type "yorick" at a command shell prompt,
the code starts).  You also need to have installed zlib (the libz
library), libpng, and libjpeg.  If libavcodec (part of ffmpeg) is not
installed, then yorick-z mpeg support will not work until it is
installed.  The absence of either the headers or libraries for the
other packages will result in them being omitted entirely during the
build.  See the LIBAVCODEC (mpeg1) section below for detailed description
of the configuration options for that library.

If the libraries or headers are not installed in a standard place
($prefix/include for headers and $prefix/lib for libraries, where
$prefix is /usr, /usr/local, or /sw), then you can use the --zlib,
--png, --jpeg, or --avcodec options to ./configure to point the script
to the directories where you built those libraries:

Usage:   ./configure [options]
Options are one or more of:
      set path to yorick executable (if not on your PATH)
      set path to directory containing zlib.h and libz.a
      set path to directory containing png.h and libpng.a
      set path to directory containing jpeglib.h and libjpeg.a
      set path to directory containing avcodec.h and libavcodec.a
      use dlopen to link to libavcodec at runtime
      skip libavcodec (mpeg1) support entirely
      generate /path/to/pkg/libpkg.a on load line instead of
      the default -L/path/to/pkg -lpkg
      This is the only way to force a particular static library
      to be loaded on some platforms (e.g.- MacOS X).

Note that the --zlib, --png, --jpeg, and --avcodec options presume
that you have built, but NOT installed those packages.  That is, the
paths are the names of the directories in your source tree.  Of
course, if you install them in a standard place like /usr/lib or
/usr/local/lib, you don't need these options at all.

If you need even finer control than this (for example, to separately
specify directory paths for header and library files), you can set
environment variables before running configure (read the configure
script for details), or edit Makeyorz by hand after running configure.

LIBAVCODEC (mpeg1) dlopen support

The configure script will assume you want dlopen support for
libavcodec, which does not require any headers at build time, will
work at runtime if is installed, and fail gracefully
only when you attempt to actually create an mpeg movie, if has not been installed.

If you later install the libavcodec shared library in a non-standard
place (not /usr/lib, /usr/local/lib, nor /sw/lib), you may place the
library in Y_HOME/lib (type Y_HOME in yorick to discover that
directory path).  If you are unable to do that, as a last resort, you
may place the path name of the libavcodec shared library, minus its
file extension (.so, .sl, or .dylib) in the Y_LIBAVCODEC environment

You can also force the configure script to try to link libavcodec at
build time, as it does for libz, libpng, and libjpeg.  To do this,
use any one of the following configure options:

       link to specified libavcodec at build time
       link to installed libavcodec at runtime
       omit libavcodec (mpeg1) support, even if libavcodec present