
#1 Login in to yawebmail with single URL



Is it possible to login in to jawebmail with single URL?

For example, to define in xml a node with id number and preconfigure mailserver, account, password for this node. User will be loggin in automatically when yawebmail receives this id as a parameter.



  • vns

    vns - 2007-11-21

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO


    First of all 1000000 thanks to the Author.
    Nice and useful application.

    I also like the idea of "managed mailboxes".
    I mean during login user just provides id & password and than can select preconfigured

    I see this as extension for the yawebmail.

    Can help if you find this idea interesting.
    Thanks, vn

  • Stephan Sann

    Stephan Sann - 2007-11-21

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    I'm planing to add a feature that allows you to call yawebmail with mailbox-host, mailbox-protocol, username and password as HTTP-request-parameters. So you can create complete bookmarks to yawebmail (certainly you should take care about the accessibility of your bookmarks in this case) or call yawebmail in any other imaginable way.

    But there will be no profiles or similar things in yawebmail. This would mean that yawebmail had to save data on the server-side; something I managed to avoid throughout the whole development-process of yawebmail. Maybe some day I will store mailbox-server-informations in a user-cookie, not more.

    If you would like to create a peace of software that uses the feature stated above to manage multiple mailboxes - go for it! I'd like to see the results.

    I'll announce the URL to call here as soon as this feature is available.

    Best regards

  • Stephan Sann

    Stephan Sann - 2007-11-21
    • assigned_to: nobody --> cibes
  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO


    If you really don't want yawebmail to save anything on the server, you might consider allowing the administrator to define parameter sets in the config files, each set being associated to an "ID". This ID could be provided in a request parameter to yawebmail.

    And by the way, I will *never* slip any password in a bookmark.


  • Stephan Sann

    Stephan Sann - 2007-11-26

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    > If you really don't want yawebmail to save anything on the server, you
    > might consider allowing the administrator to define parameter sets in the
    > config files, each set being associated to an "ID". This ID could be
    > provided in a request parameter to yawebmail.

    There is already an "ID" to log into yawebmail - it's called "mailbox-user".
    What's the sense in doubling this one into another ID??
    If you really want to surrender any security and give users access just with
    an (guessable) ID: What's to be said against just to set every mailbox-password
    to "password", set every mailbox-user to the desired ID and use the new feature?

    > And by the way, I will *never* slip any password in a bookmark.

    That's your right to choose...
    But if you're home alone with your PC and/or save your Firefox-profile in an
    encrypted container, why not?
    Besides you certainly could omit the password in your bookmark and at least
    get a prefilled login-mask.

    Best regards

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Ok, well, I guess I didn't make my point quit clear.

    The "new ID" is just meant to name a grouping consisting in servername+protocol+port+smtpserver+incomingmailuserID+smtplogin+whatevercouldbeaddedsomeday.

    So one could invoke yawebmail with a url like this one :

    As to your suggestion to use bookmarks : you are right, omitting the password might allow to pre-fill the form. Nevertheless, I think it is not a very good idea to allow storing passwords in cleartext ; but it's more to do with people education, and it's another whole story.

    Just to give you a bit of context as to my usage of yawebmail : I put it behind apache on my server and secured the whole thing with SSL and digest auth. In my mind, it is a private gateway to my own mailboxes that help me workaround my customers' firewalls. There will be no chance I allow unknown people to get in, but I may consider letting in my wife e.g. (she happens not to have the problems with firewall and confidentiality).
    Having the option to let known user (being me or not) interactively pick one the predefined groupings and supply the missing password sounds good to me. (I didn't mention it, but in my views naming groups of parameters would allow to present the user with a list to choose from).

    I have considered implementing this myself, but I stepped back when I saw german comments...

    Anyhow, yawebmail already helps as it is -- so thanks for that.

  • Stephan Sann

    Stephan Sann - 2007-11-28

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Well - maybe the whole thing would make sense for you. But since I don't think that this is of use for the mass, I have to say sorry - there are more important things to implement...

    Please don't get discouraged to suggest other useful features and thank you for using yawebmail.

    Best regards


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