
error during deploy on tomcat 4.1.31

  • vincent hammier

    vincent hammier - 2007-02-14

    i tried to use yawebmail on
    tomcat 4.1.31
    Java-version 1.4
    Servlet-Specification 2.3 / JSP-Specification 1.2

    during deploy (using manager) i have this error:
    FAIL - Encountered exception java.lang.IllegalStateException: ContainerBase.addChild: start: LifecycleException:  Context startup failed due to previous errors

    in the log:
    2007-02-14 08:33:37 StandardContext[/yawebmail]: Exception sending context initialized event to listener instance of class org.apache.myfaces.webapp.StartupServletContextListener

    can you help me?

    • Stephan Sann

      Stephan Sann - 2007-02-14

      Hello Marvin,

      > 2007-02-14 08:33:37 StandardContext[/yawebmail]: Exception sending context initialized
      > event to listener instance of class org.apache.myfaces.webapp.StartupServletContextListener

      may it be that you downloaded the ""-file instead of the
      ""-file and deployed the directory "applications/yawebmail"?

      I just tried that out and get a similar exception at startup.

      If so, please download "" and deploy the yawebmail.war-file with
      your servlet-container.
      And if it solves your problem please give a short feedback. I will put in into the
      FAQs than.

      Good luck!

      • vincent hammier

        vincent hammier - 2007-02-18

        mmhhh, no
        however I have controlled:
        to deploy application i put yawebmail.war in the webapps of tomcat and i make deploy from manager interface;
        i extract the file yawebmail.war from

        another ideas?
        king regards

    • vincent hammier

      vincent hammier - 2007-02-19

      i have tried, with success, yawebmail installation in a tomcat 5.5.16 environment

      i have a new question, but for this i open a new thread

      thanks, a lot



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