
Trying to locate the event that causes freeze

  • airpilot1

    airpilot1 - 2013-03-21

    Can I continuously monitor ALL active events on my local Win 7 PC, and log each one?  I want this capability because I am trying to track down a problem that causes my PC to freeze about once a week - no error messages, no mouse of keyboard activity, monitor shows frozen screen.  I can only recover by cold booting.  If I could cold boot after a freeze, then review a log of events happening at the moment of freeze, it would be very helpful.  Can I do this with YAPM?

  • airpilot1

    airpilot1 - 2013-03-29

    Note to all  - I have found the problem.  My brand new HP towers were overheating!  The cabinet fan was only turning at a controlled 1200 RPM max, while temps soared.  Simply removing the side cover stopped the problem, and new, quieter and more efficient fans are now on order.




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