

Michael Cummings

Key Files

List with short description of some key files in Yapeal.

The follow is a list of some key files that are of interest to anyone wanting to use Yapeal with their own projects.

  • class/api/*/ - Contains all the per API files.
  • class/util/utilRegistered*.php - Classes used in Yapeal to manage the non API tables. These should also be used by application developers to manage the APIs for their keys, characters, and corporations plus which sections/APIs are actively retrieved from API server.
  • config/yapeal-example.ini - This is an example configuration file for settings needs by Yapeal. You can copy it to /config/yapeal.ini and fill in your information using the included comments as guide.
  • config/logger.xml - This file holds most of the settings for how Yapeal logs errors etc.
  • inc/common_paths.php - This is where all of the path related constants are set.
  • install/createMySQLDatabase.php - Used to make a new database for Yapeal. Run with -h parameter to get some help on using it.
  • install/createMySQLTables.php - Used to add all the tables needed for Yapeal to an existing database. Run with -h parameter to get some help on using it.
  • install/*.xml - These files contain the SQL in XML form need by install/createMySQLTables.php to make the database tables.
  • yapeal.php - This is the main file that makes Yapeal do it's thing. It should be the only file that a user will need to run to have Yapeal start getting data from the Eve API and storing it into the database after setting up Yapeal.


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