

  • Glenn

    Glenn - 2011-11-23

    I just did a small experiment simple animation in Blender 2.59 and set up yadra to use Blender 2.59 slaves… it worked!!! I will post more about this once I have conducted a few more render experiments. Happy Blendering to all!!!

  • Glenn

    Glenn - 2011-12-03

    Blender 259 (2.59) RenderFarm, Network Rendering.

    I have just done another test using a bunch of nodes running Blender 2.59 using Yadra. The blend file has animation, AO, compositing, and textures. No crazy stuff (yet) like physics or simulations or related have been tried. I know that Yadra did not support network rendering of simulations in Blender 2.49b, and I am shure it won't in Blender 2.59. If anyone has any addition info or wants to team up to improve this farm manager, please contact me and let me know.


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