
1.1.7 on Kubuntu 8.04.1 crashes!

  • tominglis

    tominglis - 2009-01-28

    I installed the deb file from Sourceforge, and the application runs OK. I've been able to do some capturing into Flash Video with MP3 sound, but it keeps crashing out randomly, usually in the first ten to fifteen seconds of a recording.

    I tried adding "export LIBXCB_ALLOW_SLOPPY_LOCK=1" to /etc/environment, but it does not seem to have made any difference. I've also tried recording without sound and in an AVI / MPEG4 format, but it makes no difference.

    Is there somewhere I can go to check a log to see what is causing the crash? Is there anything you could recommend I do? This is a really awesome application that does exactly what I want, but I can't use it if it crashes! :-(

    • Karl H. Beckers

      Karl H. Beckers - 2009-01-28

      Hi there,

      you should run xvidcap from the console and watch the output. First try "xvidcap --mf --auto --file bla.avi".
      See where that gets you. If that works alright, try your previous options. Post the output here.

      If you encounter a segfault, make sure you allow core files to be written, e. g. "ulimit -c unlimited" and rerun.
      Then run "gdb <abolute-path-to-xvidcap-binary> <absolute-path-to-core-file>" and on the prompt do "info threads" for each of the threads listed do: "thread <num>" and "bt". That should be a good starting point.


      • tominglis

        tominglis - 2009-01-28

        Dear Karl,

        Thanks very much for the quick the reply, I hugely appreciate it!

        I tried running it from the console as you suggested, and it worked fine for the first two recordings, but then started to crash each time after that.

        It doesn't say anything in the console when it crashes, and although I ran the "ulimit -c unlimited" command before trying again, I am not sure where the core file would be placed, nor what the various thread commands should do? I have included the info from the console below.

        Best wishes,


        PS - If you don't do anything except start the recording, talk, and stop it (i.e. no graphical interactions) then it seems to be fine.

        tominglis@Achilles:~$ xvidcap --mf --auto
        [flv @ 0x8499bf0]removing common factors from framerate
        MPlayer 1.0rc2-4.2.3 (C) 2000-2007 MPlayer Team
        CPU: AMD Turion(tm) 64 X2 Mobile Technology TL-60 (Family: 15, Model: 72, Stepping: 2)
        CPUflags:  MMX: 1 MMX2: 1 3DNow: 1 3DNow2: 1 SSE: 1 SSE2: 1
        Compiled with runtime CPU detection.
        mplayer: could not connect to socket
        mplayer: No such file or directory
        Failed to open LIRC support. You will not be able to use your remote control.

        Playing toast.flv.
        libavformat file format detected.
        [lavf] Video stream found, -vid 0
        [lavf] Audio stream found, -aid 1
        VIDEO:  [FLV1]  910x668  0bpp  10.000 fps    0.0 kbps ( 0.0 kbyte/s)
        xscreensaver_disable: Could not find XScreenSaver window.
        Opening video decoder: [ffmpeg] FFmpeg's libavcodec codec family
        Selected video codec: [ffflv] vfm: ffmpeg (FFmpeg Flash video)
        Forced audio codec: mad
        Opening audio decoder: [libmad] libmad mpeg audio decoder
        AUDIO: 44100 Hz, 2 ch, s16le, 64.0 kbit/4.54% (ratio: 8000->176400)
        Selected audio codec: [mad] afm: libmad (libMAD MPEG layer 1-2-3)
        AO: [pulse] Failed to connect to server: Connection refused
        AO: [alsa] 48000Hz 2ch s16le (2 bytes per sample)
        Starting playback...
        VDec: vo config request - 910 x 668 (preferred colorspace: Planar YV12)
        VDec: using Planar YV12 as output csp (no 0)
        Movie-Aspect is undefined - no prescaling applied.
        VO: [xv] 910x668 => 910x668 Planar YV12
        Cannot sync MAD frame:  0.001 ct:  0.002 222/222  3%  1%  4.5% 0 0
        Cannot sync MAD frame
        Cannot sync MAD frame:  0.001 ct:  0.002 223/223  3%  1%  4.4% 0 0
        Cannot sync MAD frame:  0.001 ct:  0.002 224/224  3%  1%  4.4% 0 0
        Cannot sync MAD frame: -0.039 ct: -0.002 225/225  3%  1%  4.4% 0 0
        Cannot sync MAD frame: -0.139 ct: -0.012 226/226  3%  1%  4.4% 0 0
        Cannot sync MAD frame: -0.239 ct: -0.022 227/227  3%  1%  4.4% 0 0
        Cannot sync MAD frame: -0.339 ct: -0.032 228/228  3%  1%  4.3% 0 0
        Cannot sync MAD frame: -0.439 ct: -0.042 229/229  3%  1%  4.3% 0 0
        A:  22.4 V:  22.8 A-V: -0.439 ct: -0.052 229/229  3%  1%  4.3% 0 0

        Exiting... (End of file)
        [flv @ 0x8499bf0]removing common factors from framerate
        MPlayer 1.0rc2-4.2.3 (C) 2000-2007 MPlayer Team
        CPU: AMD Turion(tm) 64 X2 Mobile Technology TL-60 (Family: 15, Model: 72, Stepping: 2)
        CPUflags:  MMX: 1 MMX2: 1 3DNow: 1 3DNow2: 1 SSE: 1 SSE2: 1
        Compiled with runtime CPU detection.
        mplayer: could not connect to socket
        mplayer: No such file or directory
        Failed to open LIRC support. You will not be able to use your remote control.

        Playing toast.flv.
        libavformat file format detected.
        [lavf] Video stream found, -vid 0
        [lavf] Audio stream found, -aid 1
        VIDEO:  [FLV1]  1024x768  0bpp  10.000 fps    0.0 kbps ( 0.0 kbyte/s)
        xscreensaver_disable: Could not find XScreenSaver window.
        Opening video decoder: [ffmpeg] FFmpeg's libavcodec codec family
        Selected video codec: [ffflv] vfm: ffmpeg (FFmpeg Flash video)
        Forced audio codec: mad
        Opening audio decoder: [libmad] libmad mpeg audio decoder
        AUDIO: 44100 Hz, 2 ch, s16le, 64.0 kbit/4.54% (ratio: 8000->176400)
        Selected audio codec: [mad] afm: libmad (libMAD MPEG layer 1-2-3)
        AO: [pulse] Failed to connect to server: Connection refused
        AO: [alsa] 48000Hz 2ch s16le (2 bytes per sample)
        Starting playback...
        VDec: vo config request - 1024 x 768 (preferred colorspace: Planar YV12)
        VDec: using Planar YV12 as output csp (no 0)
        Movie-Aspect is undefined - no prescaling applied.
        VO: [xv] 1024x768 => 1024x768 Planar YV12
        Cannot sync MAD frame:  0.002 ct:  0.000 533/533  3%  0%  4.3% 0 0
        Cannot sync MAD frame
        Cannot sync MAD frame
        Cannot sync MAD frame:  0.002 ct:  0.000 534/534  3%  0%  4.3% 0 0
        Cannot sync MAD frame:  0.002 ct:  0.000 535/535  3%  0%  4.3% 0 0
        Cannot sync MAD frame:  0.002 ct:  0.000 536/536  3%  0%  4.3% 0 0
        Cannot sync MAD frame: -0.075 ct: -0.007 537/537  3%  0%  4.3% 0 0
        Cannot sync MAD frame: -0.175 ct: -0.017 538/538  3%  0%  4.3% 0 0
        Cannot sync MAD frame: -0.275 ct: -0.027 539/539  3%  0%  4.3% 0 0
        Cannot sync MAD frame: -0.375 ct: -0.037 540/540  3%  0%  4.3% 0 0
        Cannot sync MAD frame: -0.475 ct: -0.047 541/541  3%  0%  4.2% 0 0
        A:  53.5 V:  54.0 A-V: -0.475 ct: -0.057 541/541  3%  0%  4.2% 0 0

        Exiting... (End of file)
        [flv @ 0x8499bf0]removing common factors from framerate
        tominglis@Achilles:~$ ulimit -c unlimited
        tominglis@Achilles:~$ xvidcap --mf --auto
        [flv @ 0x8499bf0]removing common factors from framerate

        • tominglis

          tominglis - 2009-02-19

          Dear Karl,

          I am a bit stuck here, and would tremendously appreciate some help!

          Could you tell me how I might find my core file? If I can find it, I shall endeavour to run the commands you suggest and post the output here?

          I'm building a web application at the moment, and would really like to use XvidCap to make some screencasts explaining the features for the welcome screen carousel.

          Best wishes,


          • Nobody/Anonymous

            this is not a segfault in the technical sense. If it were, the ulimit command (run before xvidcap) should cause a message "core dumped" on the console.
            The "killed" is a bit disconcerting, though. What exactly are you doing at the time of the crash? Does it occur with other codecs/formats, too? Please try this on the console: xvidcap --fps 10 --auto --mf --file /tmp/bla.avi
            Then go to the preferences GUI and turn OFF Xdamage, the use of the notification area and the capture area follows mouse feature.


    • tominglis

      tominglis - 2009-01-28

      Actually, that PS is not true, but is true most of the time.


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