Activity for xu4 - Ultima IV recreated

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [ed30b1] on Website

    links: Tweak descriptions.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [9edddb] on Website

    links: Tweak descriptions.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [bf37a4] on Website

    links: Add Ultima and Worldbuilding book.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [7855fe] on Website

    links: Add Ultima and Worldbuilding book.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [d07131] on Website

    Remove slashes from HTML void elements.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [d86d70] on Website

    README: Update link to shell service docs.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [d98c9c] on Website

    Add ankh favicon.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [2c1808] on Website

    README: Update link to shell service docs.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [8351e7] on Website

    Add ankh favicon.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [4eb5fa] on Website

    xu4.css: Prevent line break after date slash with Firefox 127.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [7cc0d9] on Website

    download: Add Debian 12 packages.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [a891ca] on Website

    download: Add link to U4-PiecesOf8Bit.mod.

  • xu4 - Ultima IV recreated xu4 - Ultima IV recreated released /xu4/1.4/faun_0.1.5-0debian12_amd64.deb

  • xu4 - Ultima IV recreated xu4 - Ultima IV recreated released /xu4/1.4/xu4_1.4-0debian12_amd64.deb

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    In 2021 the musician Pieces of 8-Bit released a remake of the Ultima IV soundtrack on YouTube. Last year @xerardo, who works with him, contacted the xu4 project to help create a music module for it. This soundtrack has been updated in 2024 and is now finally available for xu4 on the download page. Be sure to check out all his other excellent remakes, which include the entire Ultima series!

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    In 2021 the musician Pieces of 8-Bit released a remake of the Ultima IV soundtrack on YouTube. Last year @Xerardo, who works with him, contacted the xu4 project to help create a music module for it. This soundtrack has been updated in 2024 and is now finally available for xu4 on the download page. Be sure to check out all his other excellent remakes, which include the entire Ultima series!

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    In 2021 the musician Pieces of 8-Bit released a remake of the Ultima IV soundtrack on YouTube. Last year @Xerardo, who works with him, contacted the xu4 project to help create a music module for it. This soundtrack has been [updated in 2024] ( and is now finally available for xu4 on the download page. Be sure to check out all his other excellent remakes, which include the entire Ultima series!

  • xu4 - Ultima IV recreated xu4 - Ultima IV recreated released /xu4/1.4/U4-PiecesOf8Bit.mod

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [27862f] on Website

    download: Add Fedora 40 packages.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [c390e1] on Website

    Makefile: Add dry target.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [a9b80c] on Website

    download: Add Module Tools archive.

  • Jude Greer Jude Greer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thank you for checking it out and for the really kind words! I hope your kids get as much enjoyment and fulfillment from scratch as my son has. It's a great introduction to programming, and can do some pretty impressive things. Large scale stuff is a challenge, but for kids it's perfect. This port of xu4 was really beyond what I should have attempted, not from a performance standpoint, but just from content & data size. When I discovered the 5MB limitation, I made some attempts to reduce the size,...

  • Dominik Reichardt Dominik Reichardt posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I'm very impressed and my boys even more so. This very very neat!

  • Dominik Reichardt Dominik Reichardt posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    that's awesome, can't wait to load it in Scratch later! And what a timing! My son is being introduced to programming in school through Scratch and last evening we (along with my younger son) spent going through some of the homework (essentially creating a Frogger clone).

  • Jude Greer Jude Greer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hello all! For those who aren't familar with Scratch, it is a visual programming tool, mostly meant for kids who are just learning to program. It was created by a team at MIT in the US and continues to be updated, maintained and hosted by MIT (at Last year, I stumbled on the xu4 remake of U4 and really enjoyed it - to me it represented exactly what my mind remembered U4 to look like (whereas the actual look of vanilla U4 was so primitive it was a bit surprising). Having been exposed...

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [fc4563] on Code

    map.cpp: Fix map_getRelativeDirection to use height when Y wrapping.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [97f6fa] on Code

    Fix typos in & direction.h.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [3d9b42] on Code

    Dungeon: Remove unused start positions and DngRoom::buffer.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [7ce427] on Code

    vocalize: Support Piper TTS. Add --version option.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [0705c9] on Workshop

    Add tools/creature-ids.b.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [97882a] on Workshop

    Add shader/rune_vision.b (mist only).

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    A new repository for the next version of xu4 has been created at . The engine code is all C11. All rendering is done by the GPU. A new GLFW backend is used on Windows. The title screen is now scripted (using a presentation DSL). It'll be a while before the game is running; right now J)ourney Onward just lets you zip around the world and E)nter cities to view their maps.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    A new repository for the next version of xu4 has been created at . The engine code is all C11. All rendering is done by the GPU. A new GLFW backend is used on Windows. The title screen is now scripted (using a presentation DSL). It'll be a while before the game is running; right now J)ourney Onward just lets you zip around the world and E)nter cities to view their maps.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    A new repository for the next version of xu4 has been created at . The engine code is all C11. All rendering is done by the GPU. A new GLFW backend is used on Windows. The title screen is now scripted (using a presentation DSL). It'll be a while before the game is running; right now J)ourney Onward just lets you zip around the world and E)nter cities to view their maps.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    A new repository for the next version of xu4 has been created at The engine code is all C11. All rendering is done by the GPU. A new GLFW backend is used on Windows. The title screen is now scripted (using a presentation DSL). It'll be a while before the game is running; right now J)ourney Onward just lets you zip around the world and E)nter cities to view their maps.

  • James Surine James Surine posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    FYI for anyone that is interested I have created a native quest APK of my ANKH VR port of Ultima 4 if anyone wants to try, it's available on github and sidequest.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [6ab782] on Code

    doc/ Mention the Module Tools archive.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [aaca90] on Code

    imageloader_png.cpp: Fix "might be clobbered by ‘longjmp’" gcc warning.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [91c8f4] on Code

    gpu_opengl.cpp: Only bind scalerLut when the filter is HQX.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    A Module Tools archive is now available from the Download page to help users create their own music modules. It contains binaries for both Linux & Windows. To get started download the zip file, extract all the files, and follow the instructions in the ReadMe.txt file.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [255654] on Website

    intro1-vu.png: Replace with 640x400 image from U4-Recreated.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [0f63c1] on Website

    download: Add Fedora 39 packages.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    There have been a couple releases this year and with 1.4 I feel the project is in a good place for version one. From the end user perspective the most important development tasks might be finishing the Android port and getting it working on MacOS. A few months ago a fresh project repository, code named "Gypsy Road", was created. This is all C code with a GPLv3+ license. It has a more modern game loop and I'm experimenting with scripting more of the game. Since my focus will be there, the 22 year...

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [5d45ac] on Website

    screenshots: Use a couple images from the U4-Recreated module.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [8712ec] on Website

    Show news items in <table> rather than <ul>.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Version 1.4 is now available from the website. Be sure to also update the U4-Recreated module which has the new spell sounds as well as new border, font, and avatar graphics.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [c3129d] on Website

    Announce 1.4 release and update download links.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [8e9efe] on Website

    Move site-menu Sourceforge link after Download.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [fb0f01] on Code

    Update ChangeLog and xu4.spec.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [af841e] on Code

    Bump Ultima-IV module version to 1.4.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [e24fbc] on Code

    config: Look for soundtrack module in all resource paths.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [3772ee] on Code

    Increase walk sound gain by 6dB.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [cf58a1] on Code

    vocalize: Allow paren! to be used before 'context.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [fe2e03] on Code Add information about modules.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [886fce] on Code

    intro: Replace deprecated random_shuffle with method using xu4_randomFx.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [afd414] on Code

    gpu: Add xBRZ filter.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [9bc6af] on Code Replace allegro5 dependency with libXcursor on Linux.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [82a005] on Code Describe all module fields. Remove RULES_ macro stuff.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [46deee] on Code

    gui: Use gui_emitText() internally to cleanup some code.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [7ba4d9] on Code

    GameBrowser: Add tool tip to show module About text.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [cb1a94] on Code

    GameBrowser: Render GUI using a single vertex array.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [e131eb] on Code

    spell.cpp: Play sound for all casting failures except CASTERR_NOMIX.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [5d589e] on Code

    combat.cpp: Play sound for default rangedAttack hit.

  • xu4 - Ultima IV recreated xu4 - Ultima IV recreated released /xu4/1.4/

  • xu4 - Ultima IV recreated xu4 - Ultima IV recreated released /xu4/1.4/

  • xu4 - Ultima IV recreated xu4 - Ultima IV recreated released /xu4/1.4/U4-Recreated.mod

  • xu4 - Ultima IV recreated xu4 - Ultima IV recreated released /xu4/1.4/xu4-1.4-linux.tar.gz

  • xu4 - Ultima IV recreated xu4 - Ultima IV recreated released /xu4/1.4/xu4-1.4.tar.gz

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard modified a comment on ticket #644

    This should be fixed by commit 5b58744a. A later commit prevents ranged sleep attacks & spells from affecting poisoned characters.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard modified a comment on ticket #641

    There is a fix in commit 9da1e4fc.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [560aa3] on Code

    GameBrowser: Tweak colors of heading & music notes.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [c5e865] on Code

    gui: Add ListDrawState & ListCellStyle to handle styling of list columns.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [6eca50] on Code

    GameBrowser: Show version number with a smaller font.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [54b495] on Code

    Fix font shader anti-aliasing. Darken pressed buttons.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [7063d7] on Code

    GameBrowser: Show module versions in list.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [d2c162] on Code

    GameBrowser: Scroll freely with mouse wheel (unrestricted by selection).

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [783e18] on Code

    Soundtrack can now be changed without resetting the game.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [53b533] on Code

    Fix module name on the title bar when --module is used.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [94a8d7] on Code

    Support unique spell effect sounds. Remove Spell::SpecialEffects.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [e7737b] on Code

    Implement spoken spell casting incantations.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [4ddf3b] on Code

    Add fizzle & ignite sounds. Play blocked when moving into dungeon wall.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [de2c00] on Code

    menu.cpp: Add UI sounds.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [bd706a] on Code

    gui: Render buttons with a texture and apply a drop shadow to the text.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [c962af] on Code

    Update Faun to v0.1.4.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [217884] on Code

    GameBrowser: Buttons highlight when pressed and activate upon release.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [232475] on Code

    GameBrowser: Add some user interface sounds.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [5f3bf0] on Code

    GameBrowser: Implement list scrolling.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [9f4c41] on Code

    combat.cpp: Code cleanup.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [77d633] on Code

    gamebrowser.cpp: Add TEST_LIST.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [580361] on Code

    gpu: Add gpu_guiSetOrigin().

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [bec746] on Code

    Remove the unused soundPlay onlyOnce argument.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [5b5874] on Code

    Remove poisoned status when a magic sleep field takes effect.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [fbb0c2] on Code

    Flash player status when hit by rangedAttack().

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [e7b403] on Code

    Creature sleep attacks fail on poisoned player characters.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [544dd5] on Code

    dungeon.cpp: Add sound & flash when using acid fountains and orbs.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [f7da16] on Code

    Merge PartyMember::applyEffect() into Party::applyEffect().

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard committed [9da1e4] on Code

    Reset dungeons on exit to world.

  • Karl Robillard Karl Robillard posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hurin, You're welcome! I've tried to make it as easy as possible for users to experience the various renditions of the music. While your module was made last month, I neglected to push the repository. An U4-Hurin repository now exists on GitHub which contains your readme.txt. In the upcoming v1.4 release the module browser has been improved so that the About text is shown in a tooltip popup. For your module this is: Telavar's Ultima IV MIDI + Roland SC-55st music recorded by Hurin Let me know if...

  • Hurin Hurin modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi! I just wanted to drop by and say thank you for rolling my Roland Sound Canvas recordings into a module and providing it on the downloads page! ("Húrin - Roland SC-55st" module) I was indulging some Ultima nostalgia last night, came by to see if xu4 had been updated and was astounded to see how much has been done! Only to then think "Oh no! How will my old recordings fit into this!?!" I was greatly humbled and honored to see that my meager efforts (I just recorded them after all, Telavar did the...

  • Hurin Hurin posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi! I just wanted to drop by and say thank you for rolling my Roland Sound Canvas recordings into a module and providing it on the downloads page! I was indulging some Ultima nostalgia last night, came by to see if xu4 had been updated and was astounded to see how much has been done! Only to then think "Oh no! How will my old recordings fit into this!?!" I was greatly humbled and honored to see that my meager efforts (I just recorded them after all, Telavar did the actual work of arranging them!)...

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