
Src (SVN)-old Commit Log

Commit Date  
[r7991] by tswift

Committing with new version (I hope)

2014-07-03 23:22:52 Tree
[r7990] by tswift

Changes for release (hopefully soon).

2014-07-03 22:46:28 Tree
[r7989] by tswift

Changed version.

2014-07-03 21:24:44 Tree
[r7988] by tswift

Fixed two small bugs in abolishing incremental tables when cps to completed incremental tables are in the cp stack
Improved debugging group for table abolishes

2014-07-03 19:29:04 Tree
[r7987] by tswift

-- Changes to ensure that trie_fail, used by incremental tabling, is recognized as a trie instruction by the table abolishing routines
-- tc_insts_xsb_i.h changed to turn on and off debugging.

2014-07-03 17:37:38 Tree
[r7986] by tswift

Recent changes broke MT compilation, which I fixed.

2014-07-03 15:28:23 Tree
[r7985] by dwarren

Changed defn of ?=/2 to avoid laying down a choicepoint.

2014-07-03 13:04:28 Tree
[r7984] by dwarren

A number of documentation changes, mostly suggested by Ulrich Neumerkel,
having mostly to do with ISO issues.

2014-07-01 14:35:26 Tree
[r7983] by dwarren

Changed format spec to agree with variable type.

2014-07-01 14:30:03 Tree
[r7982] by dwarren

Moved xsb_sprint_variable, since for some reason DllExport didn't
seem to work for it on MSVC32 compiler over in builtin.c.

2014-07-01 14:28:41 Tree
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