
You don't have permission to access / on this

  • hosje

    hosje - 2004-12-14

    I have installed XSAS 1.1 on a Win2000 machine without firewall.

    When I open with a webbrowser on the localmachine the 
    adress to http://localhost/xoops2 I got the Xoops page.

    But when trying on an other machine on the same network I got the "You don't have permission to access / on this server" error.

    Does somebody knowes how to resolve this.

    • Sergio Kohl

      Sergio Kohl - 2004-12-15

      Because the version 1.1 is ultra secure, included into a local network

      In the begining of january i go to launch a new version more flexible and upgraded.

      Please be a little patient.


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