
Upgrade from Stable Release to latest CVS

  • Aldo

    Aldo - 2009-09-05

    I have been happily running the stable release ( for a while so that my database is populated with a lot of data.

    Unfortunately this release has many problems, so I decided to upgrade to the latest CVS version.

    So far I have downloaded the new CVS files to my PC using TortoiseCVS.

    Now I need to upload the new version to my hosting server but I am not sure on how to proceed so from now on I need some help because I don't know how to replace the old files with the new ones without running the risk of losing my data.

    I will really appreciate any help.


    • Brian Peterson

      Brian Peterson - 2009-09-05

      1. back up your database (you should be doing this on a regular basis anyway)
         - stop MySQL
         - run mysqldump
         - restart MySQL

      2. make a new directory to install the upgrade into under your web root

      3. upload the new files

      4. configure to point to your database

      5. log in to the new location and run the database structure update

      6. test

      7. reconfigure the root to point to your "old" location under the webroot

      8. move the old files out of the way

      9. move the new files to the same location the old stuff was.

      And of course, RTFM the upgrade documentation.


        - Brian

    • Aldo

      Aldo - 2009-09-05

      Thanks a lot.

      It's almost like a clean install!!! But rather simple.


    • Aldo

      Aldo - 2009-09-10

      I followed your instructions.

      Before getting rid of the old files I did a little bit of testing with the new version (they share the same database).

      Everything seemed to be working fine un til I realised that somethings were not working.

      For example:

      . I tried to switch to a different language from the user preferences and it did not work (while I tried again in the old version and it still works)

      . from the new version I cannot see the uploaded files (I copied them correctly) while, again from the old one they are still there

      Any ideas?



    • Aldo

      Aldo - 2009-09-10

      I followed your instructions.

      Before getting rid of the old files I did a little bit of testing with the new version (they share the same database).

      Everything seemed to be working fine un til I realised that somethings were not working.

      For example:

      . I tried to switch to a different language from the user preferences and it did not work (while I tried again in the old version and it still works)

      . from the new version I cannot see the uploaded files (I copied them correctly) while, again from the old one they are still there

      Any ideas?



  • Valdis Ozols

    Valdis Ozols - 2009-09-11

    Well, you got lucky if that dump is fine. That instruction is missing creation of new database, loading that latest dump there, installing old code and playing whole upgrade shenanigan on separate instance not only in terms of code files, but first of all database and external files.


  • Aldo

    Aldo - 2009-10-10

    Unfortunately I am still struggling.

    The new install appears to be right, but when I try to do some things they don't do what they are supposed to do.

    For example:
    I go to preferences and select a new language
    I confirm my selection
    I get a message saying that the preference was changed successfully

    … but the language is still the same!!!

    If, instead, I go back to the old version the language gest changed (and if I login in the new version, at this point, I see the language I selected from the old version).

    Any suggestions?

    Thanks a lot.

  • Aldo

    Aldo - 2009-10-21

    Is there anyone who can help me????


  • - 2009-10-21

    Hi, amariussi!

    There may or may not be a bug with the language selection in the CVS version.  I have seen some messages coming through reporting problems but, at the same time, some or all of them could be configuration issues.

    I would suggest to review your vars.php file line by line to make sure you have all your settings right.  With language issues you should make sure that `$available_languages` is set correctly.  It may also be useful to set `message_reporting = E_ALL` in your php.ini to see if you get any errors or warnings when you switch languages.  I myself haven't had to deal with any non-English installations yet so this has not been high on my priority list to look at.

    You also mentioned in and earlier post that you cannot see uploaded files from the old installation which leads me to believe that the `$file_storage_directory` may not be set right.

    Outside of that, if you cannot seem to find a solution here in the forums, you may have to hire someone to hunt the problem down for you.  CVS is what it is - a developer version!

    I hope that helps.



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