
XRMS Demo Now Live
  • - 2010-01-13

    Hi, Everyone!

    This is just to announce that there is a live XRMS demo running now at  The demo is running XRMS CVS code as of Jan 12, 2010.  The login credentials are, as usual:

    username: user1
    password: user1

    Administrative, email and preference modification functionality have been disabled to prevent abuse of the demo installation.

    As usual, feel free to post any bugs, patches, feature and support requests in the SF XRMS Trackers.  Plugin annoucements, questions and feedback are welcome at the SF XRMS Forums



  • charliez

    charliez - 2010-03-11

    Thanks for the demo… great idea!
    Can you tell me what is the difference with the 1.99 version I am using?
    I gave a tour to your demo and it seems to be exactly as mine…

  • Brian Peterson

    Brian Peterson - 2010-03-11

    The short answer to 'what's different?' is:

    several years of bug fixes small and large.

    As always with a production enterprise application, if your version is worknig for you, you may not choose to upgrade.  However, if you want to have all the bug fixes and feature enhancements, you probably want to upgrade.

    If Ivaylo has time, perhaps he'll add more nuance to my short answer.


      - Brian

  • - 2010-03-11

    Hi, charliezen!

    Do you mean you are using the stable version?  If you want to compare the stable with the demo CVS (that is now about 2 months old), take a closer look.  The differences are not glaringly obvious but, as a person who uses XRMS on a daily basis, I know they have helped me as a user greatly.

    Let's not forget that the stable version is now about 4 years old.  Randy did an enormous commit about a year ago which brought many improvements to the system.  I have since been doing tweaks to the interface and a few bug fixes.  The New Activity Widget and the /activities/one.php have also undergone some important changes - they are much more user-friendly now.  There are some more tweaks coming up on those, too and more interface improvements in general.

    Outside of that, as Brian beat me to it, the answer is… numerous bug fixes and code improvements under the hood and there are a bagful more which I have not looked at.  There is a bunch of bugs that are presently in the tracker that need to be re-tested, verified and fixed.  Reviewing the CVS commits may give you an idea of what is being done.

    There is no formal plan but, since XRMS's last stable version stopped at 2.0RC2, this is simply an attempt to finish this work and put XRMS back on the map for the brilliant system that it is.



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