
#435 Update: campaigns


I'm not sure: is it a bug or if I'm doing something wrong ... or is it a feature ;o)

After the last update of the campaigns - the campaign list: shows nothing, nothing happened. After selecting a campaign nothing appear.

Next, I will add a new campaign. It appears the message: There are no campaign statuses defined for the campaign type "display ". Please define those here first. I click "here" and I land here: admin / campaign-status / some.php campaign_type_id =...?

Update I have started. This is too angular for my round head - what am I doing wrong?


  • - 2011-02-22

    Hi, Helpful!

    Did you upgrade your database after you updated the code? The campaign lists use a new database table and without having the latest database schema, it will not work. I can no longer recall at what DB version that was introduced but your best bet is to simply grab the latest /admin/updateto2.0.php and run a database update.

    The reason you get the message "there are no campaign statuses... " is precisely that. For each campaign type you are planning to use, you should define the campagn statuses and for each status you should define the activity templates to use - the combination of types, statuses and activity templates creates the campaign workflow much the same way as with cases and opportunities. Look through the Administrator manual for some tips on that.

    As far as the campaign lists, they are there to allow you to build contact lists against which you can run a campaign. Cases and Opportunities are attached to specific contacts. Campaigns, on the other hand are run agaist target lists (in our case "campaign lists"). You create campaign lists through /contacts/some.php.

    A lot of this pain could have been saved with some documentation but that is yet to be begun.

    Hope this helps!


  • - 2011-02-22
    • status: open --> closed-invalid

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