
how to use xplug_games.reg?

  • Alessandro Pluchino

    1.  Hi, i downloaded the file, but i can't merge it in the registry because win98 and winMe "say" that isn't a registry file.
    How can i use it?

    2.  Will you add "wolfenstein" to the gamelist?

    Ah... i found other programs like yours... but it's the only one that works  :-)))))

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I'm not sure what the deal is. I'm think maybe the file is somehow corrupted.

      I probably add wolf once it's in final release.  They always seem to change something...

    • Alessandro Pluchino

      i open the file and rewrote it with regedit, and it works (with Q2).
      So to add Wolf you have to modify the code? also if the game is a "Q3A engine" game? is not enough work in the registry?
      (i tried, but it doesn't work, i think that i answered myself)

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        I "think" wolf is a Q3 engine game, and it "may" work, but since it's still in the Alfa stage, I don't want to commit to it.  For the games list, one a game is set, it is set.  There is no good way to change the definition of the game.  This is something in XPlug that doesn't quite work the way I wanted it to and I really have no time and little interest in fixing it. 

        • Alessandro Pluchino

          I used your program with wolfenstein:
          1.  i made a new key called WOLF in the registry, designed for a game Q3A type;

          2.  in the folder C:\PROGRAMS\WOLF MP TEST i copied and pasted the folder DEMOMAIN an then renamed the copy as BASEWOLF (now i have 2 folders different only for the name).

          now i connect to a server from web page.

          ATTENTION: only renaming the folder DEMOMAIN causes the stop of the game: it looks for the folder DEMOMAIN.
          I tried to put an empty folder called BASEWOLF; XPLUG launches the game but doesn't connect to the server (only opens the start page)


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