
#92 can't change the color of highlighted strokes


I can change the color of pen strokes by selecting them and then hitting a new color. I believe this used to work with highlighter strokes as well. It no longer does.


  • Denis Auroux

    Denis Auroux - 2010-02-20

    I just checked -- this has never been the case. Ever since version 0.2.1 when the ability to change the color of the selection was first introduced, doing so has only affected pen items, and not highlighter or whiteout eraser strokes.

    I do think that, when there are both pen strokes (or text) and highlighter strokes in the selection, most users expect hitting a new color to only affect the pen strokes. (or perhaps... if highlighter is the currently selected tool then highlighter strokes only should be affected, otherwise pen strokes only should be affected? or would that be too confusing?).

    On the other hand, when the only items in the selection are highlighter strokes, then it would probably make sense to make hitting a color button recolor those. So I'm not closing this tracker item, but converting it into a feature request rather than a bug. (Comments on the proposed mechanism welcome).


  • Denis Auroux

    Denis Auroux - 2010-02-20
    • summary: Regression: can't change the color of highlighted strokes --> can't change the color of highlighted strokes
  • Jeffrey Gordon

    Jeffrey Gordon - 2010-03-01

    I'd personally prefer the currently selected tool to be the one affected by switching colors. The problem is, the currently selected tool is always going to be the "select rectangle" tool at that point.

    I almost never use the highlighter as an actual highlighter. I use it as a crayon, when I'm drawing diagrams. I may not be the typical user.


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