
#65 Journal Organization Tool


I would like to have an in-Xournal method of organizing my .xoj files so that I can group journals that are related to a specific topic, sub-topic, etc. An existing example is the "Notebook" and "Section" options in MS OneNote, which is precisely the kind of thing I am looking for, A tabbed interface or tree interface (or both) would be great, with the ability to add and display titles and dates to each journal that can be displayed. An "uncategorized journal" category would be good to have as a default. The interface should be easily used with the pen (a minimum number of clicks to navigate from one category to another, such as 1-click to display tree, 2nd click to open a journal).

My use case:
I am a graduate student, so I write copious notes on my tablet (Fujitsu T4220) for a wide variety of topics, e.g. research (with sub-topics like meetings, working notes, ToDos, etc) and classes (e.g. subtopic semester, subtopic class, subtopics Lectures, Homework, Projects, Tests, etc). Right now I store these in their respective directories, but I would rather let Xournal worry about where they are stored so I can focus on writing the notes.

Thanks! This is a great program, and does about 60% of what I want (with this request being another 30% or so). I am happy to test code or work with a developer.


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Issue #1663723 is quite similar to this request. I thought this should be mentioned, so the two can be somehow consolidated.

  • J Jerome

    J Jerome - 2009-05-30

    I'm starting using xournal. You've done a very good job.
    For the organization, I was working with Basket Notepad and I suggest you to use a similar sytem.

    (Sorry for my english)


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