
#3 line insertion wrap to successive pages


Currently when you insert lines/vertical space, it will
push lower lines off of the viewable page area. It
would be nice to have an option to push those lines
onto the next page/successive pages. ~Loki


  • Denis Auroux

    Denis Auroux - 2006-05-31

    Logged In: YES

    That would indeed be nice, but it's not so easy to
    implement, and there are delicate design decisions:

    - what should happen to the text that's already on the
    following pages? (how far does one propagate everything...)

    - there's no concept of "lines", just individual strokes,
    and so there's no guarantee that one would be pushing an
    entire line of text rather than just a single word, or
    worse, a letter or a part of a letter...

    - when removing vertical space, should things be brought
    back ? (and how ?)

    Something easier to implement, less powerful but less risky
    in terms of user interface choices, would be the following

    - in the default version of the tool, if the bar is pushed
    below the bottom of the page, then a new page is created,
    containing all the text that has been pushed.

    - upon turning on some option, this mechanism is disabled,
    and instead, the page height is automatically increased as
    needed so that text never becomes invisible.

    I'll think more about it, but let me know if you have
    thoughts about this.


  • Denis Auroux

    Denis Auroux - 2006-06-06

    Logged In: YES

    Release 0.2.2 improves on the previous behavior (although
    it's still not ideal). The vertical space tool can move
    items to the next page, but only when the entire block being
    moved has crossed the page boundary; items on the new page
    are not moved. Concretely, this means you can proceed as
    follows: first, use the vertical space tool to insert space
    where you want (say on pg.1). Second, on the next page
    (pg.2), use the vertical space tool to create space for
    anything that you will be pushing off from the first page
    (or insert a new blank page after pg.1 if that's where you'd
    like the pushed off text to go). Third, use the vertical
    space tool at the very bottom of pg.1 to move all the
    invisible stuff to the top of pg.2.

    I'm still hoping to come up with something smarter in a next
    release, but I believe this is acceptable as a temporary
    fix, and this now becomes low priority, at least until I
    have figured out what the right behavior should be.


  • Denis Auroux

    Denis Auroux - 2006-06-06
    • milestone: 584380 -->
  • Loki

    Loki - 2006-09-07

    Logged In: YES

    I don't know how easy this would be to implement, but one
    easy way to solve this is to have an option for a continuous
    page. You could add more space as if you were adding
    another page, etc, but it would just add length to the
    current page. It would be useless if you needed to print
    it, but great for note-taking ;-)

    Alternatively, and this is more complicated, develop a
    function/routine to have the program "guess" where the lines
    are. The actual line height is a given, and if I understand
    things correctly all strokes are kept track of, so you
    should be able to "guess" where the lines are. Have it
    start with the actual blue lines on the page, and if, say,
    90% (or whatever a reasonable tolerance level is) of the
    strokes on the page begin inside those lines, then accept
    them and treat each set of strokes as a "block" of text. If
    not, move the "lines" a little and try again. If you adjust
    a whole line's height and have not found an acceptable place
    for the lines to be, adjust the tolerance and try again.
    For drawings/diagrams this can also break them up by where
    the strokes begin, as people will probably want to insert
    enough space to move the whole drawing/diagram to the next
    page anyhow. Again, I don't know how hard this would be or
    how well I understand the inner workings of the program.
    Keep up the great work! ~Loki


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