
#28 1/2 Inch graph paper style


The current paper style looks like quarter inch graph paper. I can make the boxes bigger by zooming in and using a thinner pen to compensate, but it would be great if there were 1/2 inch graph paper.

I teach 4th grade and use xournal extensively in combination with a digital projector. 1/2" graph paper is a good thing to get numbers to line up nicely when doing arithmetic.


  • Denis Auroux

    Denis Auroux - 2007-12-16

    8.5x11 half-inch graph paper

  • Denis Auroux

    Denis Auroux - 2007-12-16

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    The current graph paper is 5mm, since that's the international standard. I'll add "more paper choices" to the to-do list. In case you'd prefer not to wait until I get to it (which might take a long time):

    - Method 1: in the file src/xo-misc.h, change the line
    #define RULING_GRAPHSPACING 14.17
    #define RULING_GRAPHSPACING 36.0

    recompile, and reinstall. (Note: when you share documents in .xoj format with other people, they won't see your larger graph paper grid, they'll still see the 5mm default grid).

    - Method 2 (or if you want more paper styles, but don't need to be able to change the paper color): make a PDF file containing a blank page of graph paper of your favorite dimensions, and then use "annotate PDF" to open it whenever you need a blank xournal document. [One way to make such a PDF file is to patch the source as above, and then "export to PDF" a blank document (with the "print paper ruling" option switched on)].

    I'm attaching a sheet of white 8.5x11 half-inch graph paper, so you can just annotate that PDF file.


    File Added: graphpaper.pdf

  • Jeffrey Gordon

    Jeffrey Gordon - 2007-12-16

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    The PDF solution is perfect. Thanks.


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