
#227 Shortcut for new page


Feature request: it would be desirable to have a keyboard shortcut for the "New Page After" menu item, for instance Shift+Ctrl+N works fine.

Example use case: working with a Wacom tablet to use xournal in the same way as a chalk board (starting from an empty document), to give a live presentation in fullscreen, one wants to be able to "go to the next page" in a second once the current page is full, even if "the next page" does not exist yet. If a keyboard shortcut exists, it is easy to assign one of the buttons of the Wacom tablet to it. Otherwise one has to make the menu appear, go and select the item with the mouse, and make the menu disappear again, very tedious.

Alternatively, an option in xournal to just automatically create a new page at the end of the document if the user tries to "go to the next page" from the last page, when the last page isn't blank.


  • Denis Auroux

    Denis Auroux - 2020-05-16

    Xournal already does what you want -- have you tried Control + Right
    Arrow? (the shortcut for "next page"). This goes to the next page, and
    if there's no next page, creates one. (Same for most ways of going to
    the next page other than scrolling: the toolbar button for "next page"
    and the page number +/- buttons in the status bar at the bottom also do


  • Brett Kerwin

    Brett Kerwin - 2020-05-16

    Perfect! Thanks, and sorry for the noise, then.

    The reason why I had not found out about this is that I was using the PageDown key to go to the next page, and wrongly assumed that PageDown and Control+Right Arrow were equivalent.
    (PageDown does not create a new page.)

  • Dr.Beco

    Dr.Beco - 2020-10-21

    I was never aware of this. Thanks. Great help.

    In other ticket, there is a discussion on custom shortcuts. It would help us to learn, since usually the dialog box for custom shortcuts lists all of them.

    I would like to make it so that the right/left arrow (without control) could move to the next page and also create new pages on demand. It was strange for me to adapt to "up arrow" actually going to page 2, since we usually think of the document going "down" (page 2 bellow).

    But I'm glad we see the project is not abandoned and fully working on 2020. God-speed you all.

    My best.


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