
#217 customizable size of scrollbars

Scroll Bars (1)

I would suggest do add an parameter in the configfile, where the width of the scrollbars can be customized seperately.

Use Case: I use xournal on a Yoga 370 with pen and touch input. The problem is with scrolling through the pages: for touch input the buttons and scollbars are to small, I never reach them correctly. Pen input is not a solution, because it seems that the pen at the edge (2-3mm) of the display is not as accurate as in the middle of the display and is also not working correct. Also the buttons are too small to aim at them while a lecture. So if the scroll bars width could be customized, I could easily scroll with pen or touch.


  • ms

    ms - 2017-11-06

    Also it would be good, if the height (width) of the buttons at the end of the vertical (horizontal) scrollbars could be scaled also.


    Last edit: ms 2017-11-06
  • Denis Auroux

    Denis Auroux - 2017-11-06

    This is already customizable, as a standard gtk2 setting, not a xournal setting. (Benefit: it will work for all gtk2 applications).

    Create or edit the configuration file ~/.gtkrc-2.0, adding the following lines:

    style "wide-scrollbar-style"
      GtkScrollbar::slider_width = 24
    widget_class "*Scrollbar" style "wide-scrollbar-style"


    Or change 24 to your desired scrollbar thickness.


  • Denis Auroux

    Denis Auroux - 2017-11-06

    Also: if you have pen and touch, I suggest using the "touch as handtool" option (under Pen and Touch in the options menu) so you can scroll with your hand and write with your pen. On my Yoga, I use the touchscreen to control scrolling by small amounts (and the page buttons in the button bar and the bottom status bar to move quickly around), and rarely ever need to hit the scrollbar. But of course that is entirely up to you.



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