
#210 Changing background pdf slide

Dane Quinn

Is it possible to change the background layer while keeping a higher layer onscreen? I would like to annote and screencast a presentation, where as a slide is uncovered I can annote using xournal. Each slide thus corresponds to multiple pages in a pdf file (so slide 1 might span pages 1-4 of the pdf file as it is uncovered). As I write on the slide and uncover the next bit, I would like for the xournal layer that I wrote on to remain. Then when I am ready to change slides (to page 5 in this pdf file), the background would change and the layer would refresh.

Thank you for xournal!


Feature Requests: #210


  • Denis Auroux

    Denis Auroux - 2016-03-04

    This is a good suggestion, but will have to wait for some code
    reorganization -- right now we are not set up to allow a page of xoj
    file correspond to more than one page of PDF file. This could be a good
    thing to add when we also add some UI to allow the user to manipulate
    what pages of xoj correspond to what PDF pages.

    In the meantime: my approach is to use sparsely the feature to split a
    presentation slide into multiple PDF pages, and in fact put such split
    points only at places where I think I'll want to write something in
    xournal on top of the partial slide, then have my handwriting disappear
    as the next piece of slide shows up. Or in other cases, wait until the
    next piece of slide is up before writing on top of it so the handwriting
    won't disappear. Yes, I know this isn't optimal.


    On 03/04/2016 08:49 AM, Dane Quinn wrote:

    [feature-requests:#210] Changing
    background pdf slide

    Status: open
    Group: Next_Release_(example)
    Created: Fri Mar 04, 2016 04:49 PM UTC by Dane Quinn
    Last Updated: Fri Mar 04, 2016 04:49 PM UTC
    Owner: nobody

    Is it possible to change the background layer while keeping a higher
    layer onscreen? I would like to annote and screencast a presentation,
    where as a slide is uncovered I can annote using xournal. Each slide
    thus corresponds to multiple pages in a pdf file (so slide 1 might span
    pages 1-4 of the pdf file as it is uncovered). As I write on the slide
    and uncover the next bit, I would like for the xournal layer that I
    wrote on to remain. Then when I am ready to change slides (to page 5 in
    this pdf file), the background would change and the layer would refresh.

    Thank you for xournal!

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    Denis Auroux
    UC Berkeley, Department of Mathematics
    817 Evans Hall, Berkeley CA 94720-3840, USA



    Feature Requests: #210

    • Dane Quinn

      Dane Quinn - 2016-03-04


      Thanks for the quick reply. What you are suggesting is basically my
      approach. I use the LaTeX Beamer class to create the slides, which I can
      uncover one piece at a time. For the screencasting it would be nice to
      annote the slide and then uncover something else, but at the moment I
      either wait until everything has been uncovered before writing notes and
      such. (I find that the pace is too fast if I just read the slides, and
      it helps to write important points out by hand.)

      I must say though, the combination of LaTeX, xournal, and a screen
      recorder is by far the best way to create videolectures. Thank you!


      On 03/04/2016 01:31 PM, Denis Auroux wrote:

      This is a good suggestion, but will have to wait for some code
      reorganization -- right now we are not set up to allow a page of xoj
      file correspond to more than one page of PDF file. This could be a good
      thing to add when we also add some UI to allow the user to manipulate
      what pages of xoj correspond to what PDF pages.

      In the meantime: my approach is to use sparsely the feature to split a
      presentation slide into multiple PDF pages, and in fact put such split
      points only at places where I think I'll want to write something in
      xournal on top of the partial slide, then have my handwriting disappear
      as the next piece of slide shows up. Or in other cases, wait until the
      next piece of slide is up before writing on top of it so the handwriting
      won't disappear. Yes, I know this isn't optimal.


      On 03/04/2016 08:49 AM, Dane Quinn wrote:

      <> Changing
      background pdf slide/
      /Status:/ open
      /Group:/ Next_Release_(example)
      /Created:/ Fri Mar 04, 2016 04:49 PM UTC by Dane Quinn
      /Last Updated:/ Fri Mar 04, 2016 04:49 PM UTC
      /Owner:/ nobody
      Is it possible to change the background layer while keeping a higher
      layer onscreen? I would like to annote and screencast a presentation,
      where as a slide is uncovered I can annote using xournal. Each slide
      thus corresponds to multiple pages in a pdf file (so slide 1 might
      pages 1-4 of the pdf file as it is uncovered). As I write on the slide
      and uncover the next bit, I would like for the xournal layer that I
      wrote on to remain. Then when I am ready to change slides (to page
      5 in
      this pdf file), the background would change and the layer would
      Thank you for xournal!
      Sent from because you indicated interest in
      To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

      Denis Auroux
      UC Berkeley, Department of Mathematics
      817 Evans Hall, Berkeley CA 94720-3840, USA

      [feature-requests:#210] Changing
      background pdf slide

      Status: open
      Group: Next_Release_(example)
      Created: Fri Mar 04, 2016 04:49 PM UTC by Dane Quinn
      Last Updated: Fri Mar 04, 2016 04:49 PM UTC
      Owner: nobody

      Is it possible to change the background layer while keeping a higher
      layer onscreen? I would like to annote and screencast a presentation,
      where as a slide is uncovered I can annote using xournal. Each slide
      thus corresponds to multiple pages in a pdf file (so slide 1 might
      span pages 1-4 of the pdf file as it is uncovered). As I write on the
      slide and uncover the next bit, I would like for the xournal layer
      that I wrote on to remain. Then when I am ready to change slides (to
      page 5 in this pdf file), the background would change and the layer
      would refresh.

      Thank you for xournal!

      Sent from because you indicated interest in

      To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

      D. Dane Quinn
      Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
      The University of Akron, Akron, OH, 44325-3903
      email:; Tel.: 330-972-6302
      Fellow, ASME
      Assoc. Editor, ASME J. Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics
      Assoc. Editor, Mathematical Problems in Engineering



      Feature Requests: #210

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