
#178 Dark background for texts with Arc GTK theme


I'm using the Arc GTK theme in the dark variant.

In Xournal, I now have a black background for texts:


Not sure whether to report this here or with the theme though ;)


  • Denis Auroux

    Denis Auroux - 2016-12-20

    Is the dark background for text boxes while they are being edited (you
    can type into the text box) or even after it's been finalized and you're
    no longer in editing mode? On my system, the theme background only
    comes up while editing the text, and there is no background once the
    text is finalized; I assume it's the same for you.

    This is essentially the same (in reverse) as bug #127 complaining that
    one can't see white text while editing it in a light GTK theme.

    The GtkTextView widget used to edit text doesn't allow for transparent
    backgrounds, but I suppose we could try to set a background color that
    is the page color (when not a PDF page; there's no easy way to find out
    what the 'background color' of a pdf page might be). Or always white if
    the text color is dark / black if the text color is light? Need to
    think more about what's the right way to proceed.


  • The Compiler

    The Compiler - 2016-12-20

    My $0.02 on this: Annotating PDFs is a quite common scenario I think, so it'd be better to just default to a color on which the text is readable. Using black (or dark grey?)/white depending on the text color sounds like a good plan to me.

  • Nathan Cain

    Nathan Cain - 2017-11-13

    How can I fix this without changing my GTK theme?

    • Denis Auroux

      Denis Auroux - 2017-11-13

      Basically you'd need to recompile a modified version of xournal to
      change the default text box background color. You can likely just use
      the branch in Daniel German's repository pointed out in the other comment.


      Denis Auroux
      UC Berkeley, Department of Mathematics
      817 Evans Hall, Berkeley CA 94720-3840, USA

  • The Compiler

    The Compiler - 2017-11-13

    FWIW I'm happily running since March.


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