
only one cpu is visible on hex core system

  • Frank Rueter

    Frank Rueter - 2013-04-03

    Hi all,

    I just iunstalled xosview on a new linux box running Kubuntu 12.10 with kernel version:
    uname -r

    The system has 6 hyper threaded cores:
    cat /proc/stat
    cpu  66688 2286 31155 10190260 13704 13 226 0 0 0
    cpu0 10833 283 5047 837568 2188 13 144 0 0 0
    cpu1 11362 127 4989 839379 2037 0 17 0 0 0
    cpu2 9866 159 4772 841289 1097 0 13 0 0 0
    cpu3 9971 408 4411 839523 3187 0 16 0 0 0
    cpu4 11595 218 6111 840568 569 0 6 0 0 0
    cpu5 10186 269 4172 838769 3813 0 12 0 0 0
    cpu6 331 30 188 859234 120 0 1 0 0 0
    cpu7 448 98 266 858895 137 0 0 0 0 0
    cpu8 433 150 220 858971 124 0 0 0 0 0
    cpu9 516 202 327 858633 192 0 0 0 0 0
    cpu10 741 243 395 858374 116 0 10 0 0 0
    cpu11 400 95 252 859051 119 0 1 0 0 0

    However, xosview only shows a single cpu. I found the mention of the kernel patch in the README but that only seems to apply to older kernels.

    Could somebody please help me out? I love xosview and really want to get it to work so I don't have to use the default system monitor.


  • Astara

    Astara - 2013-04-03

    what version of xosview are you running, perhaps it is an older one?

    Could it be the case that it is showing all the cpu's as 1…. i.e. I have mine configured that way or it takes up too much space - and the numbers range from 0-1200% depending on how many cores are in use.

    What does your .Xdefaults file look like and how are you invoking it?

    BTW, I'll include my .Xdefaults - but note not all settings will work on your computer likely - I have a few customizations to my version that aren't in the main line…

    But it might be a start and you might get something running…

    !   xosview

    xosview*font:                          lucidasanstypewriter-12
    #xosview*font:                   "-adobe-lucida sans typewriter std-medium-r-normal-16-120-100-100"
    xosview*graphNumCols:     1200
    xosview*background:       black
    xosview*foreground:       white
    xosview*geometry:       800x270-4+6
    xosview*captions:       true
    xosview*labels:         true
    xosview*meterLabelColor:    pink
    xosview*usedlabels:       true
    xosview*usedLabelColor:     pink
    xosview*diskdReadColor:     DeepSkyBlue
    xosview*diskdUsedFormat:    autoscale

    xosview*interrupts:       false
    xosview*interruptsDecay:    true
    xosview*interruptsGraph:    true
    xosview*interruptsPriority:   10
    xosview*interruptsUsedFormat: autoscale

    xosview*mem:          true
    xosview*memPriority:      10
    xosview*memDecay:       true
    xosview*memGraph:       true
    xosview*memUsedFormat:      autoscale
    xosview*memSharedColor:     pink
    xosview*memBufferColor:     lightblue
    xosview*memCacheColor:      lightgreen
    xosview*memFreeColor:     MediumPurple4
    xosview*memTextColor:     blue
    xosview*memOtherColor:      grey20
    xosview*memActiveColor:     purple
    xosview*memInactiveColor:   grey

    xosview*net:          true
    xosview*netPriority:      10
    xosview*netDecay:       true
    xosview*netGraph:       true
    xosview*netUsedFormat:      autoscale
    xosview*netInColor:       blue
    xosview*netoutColor:      lavender
    xosview*netBackground:      MediumPurple4
    xosview*netBandwidth:     125000000

    xosview*net:          true
    xosview*netPriority:      10
    xosview*netDecay:       true
    xosview*netGraph:       true
    xosview*netIface:       eth2
    xosview*netUsedFormat:      autoscale
    xosview*netInColor:       blue
    xosview*netoutColor:      red
    xosview*netBackground:      MediumPurple4
    xosview*netBandwidth:     3200000

    #xosview*net:         true
    #xosview*netPriority:     10
    #xosview*netDecay:        true
    #xosview*netGraph:        true
    #xosview*netUsedFormat:     autoscale
    #xosview*netInColor:        blue
    #xosview*netoutColor:     red
    #xosview*netBackground:     MediumPurple4
    #xosview*netBandwidth:      3300000

    xosview*page:         false
    xosview*swap:         false

    !xosview*NFSStats:        true
    !xosview*NFSStatPriority:   10
    !xosview*NFSStatReTransColor: red
    !xosview*NFSStatAuthRefrshColor:  blue
    !xosview*NFSStatCallsColor:   blue
    !xosview*NFSStatIdleColor:    MediumPurple4
    !xosview*NFSDStats:       true
    !xosivew*NFSDStatStatCallsColor:  SteelBlue1
    !xosivew*NFSStatDBadCallsColor: red1 
    !xosivew*NFSDStatUDPColor:    SpringGreen  
    !xosivew*NFSDStatTCPColor:    blue1
    !xosivew*NFSDStatIdleColor:   MediumPurple4

    Note, the '!' are 'X's version of comment chars…

  • Frank Rueter

    Frank Rueter - 2013-04-08

    thanks astara for the prompt reply. and apolofies for the delay on my part.
    I'm running xosview 1.9.3-3 (installed via apt-get) and have no ~/.Xdefaults (all vanilla so far).
    However, I solved the porblem by using the Xdefaults and setting:
    xosview*cpuFormat: all

    The labels for cpu 10 and 11 both read 1 now but I can live with that.

    Thanks for your help!!



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