Skalpa Keo - 2004-07-21

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I saw this thread, and it's already started ;-), but it will
have to wait for several other changes
1) common.php will be refactored / cleaned up ( it actually
contains some code that should be moved to dedicated classes )
2) xoops 2.2 will be delivered with several "boot files" ( a
default one, a "debug mode" one, and maybe smaller ones as
you asked )
3) people will be able to specify which one they want to
use, using something like $xoopsOption['bootfile'] =
'rc_default.php' (or an equivalent method)

Should be done in the first 2.1.x releases, but a bit later.
I may come back here or to the dev.xoops site to ask devs
what specific needs they have once this is more advanced.