
#77 aditional banner code in preferences.

Core (214)
Sergio Kohl

now we has a option in general settings, admin
preferences for enable, disable the xoops banners.

me 1st suggest is remove totally the banners from the
core :)

but a aditional suggest for not fight with this do this :

after the enable, disable banners option, add 2 new
options, a use external banners code (yes/no) if
activate this, the xoops banners be deactivated.

and the next field is a field for put the external banner
code (phpadsnews and ton of other banner systems
generate a external code , too too many companies
provide the code for paste for has the banners)

the webmaster if he need , only need activate the
external banners option, paste the banners code and
this is working using the <{$xoops_banner}> without
need edit the theme.


  • Herko Coomans

    Herko Coomans - 2004-06-05

    Logged In: YES

    I agree with Sergio that the banners code should be removed
    from the core altogether. It's too simple, old and limited
    to be of much use. If it is made into a module (like
    phpadsnew ported to work with XOOPS), then it will be much

    All the module needs to be able to do is put the ads code
    into a smarty variable that is globally available (like
    $xoops_banner is now), and manage the ads accounts through
    the XOOPS interface.


  • Jan Pedersen

    Jan Pedersen - 2004-06-06

    Logged In: YES

    What about adding the banner area as a placement option for
    blocks? Then the banner code could simply be a block, placed
    in that area?

  • Herko Coomans

    Herko Coomans - 2004-06-06

    Logged In: YES

    I'd much rather have a more general solution where modules
    can add globally available code, whether in Smarty vars or
    in JavaScript, or whatever. That way, a module can add a
    smarty var for a menu (like the tabs mod), or a banner code
    (like discussed here), or a counter script... Then all these
    things will be possible, and not just a new banner system.



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